Control Hub User Interface

Control Hub provides a web-based user interface (UI) for building, managing, and monitoring pipelines.

Note: Control Hub displays timestamps using the browser time zone, which is determined by your local operating system.

The Control Hub UI includes the following general areas and icons:

Area/Icon Name Description
1 Navigation panel Lists the areas that you can manage within Control Hub.
2 View Displays one of the following views based on your selection in the navigation panel.
Welcome views:
  • Welcome view - Use to quickly access your most recently edited pipelines and jobs.
  • Learn view - Use to access tutorial steps and videos to help you get started with StreamSets

Set Up views:

  • Environments view - Use to create and manage environments that define where to deploy engines.
  • Deployments view - Use to create and manage deployments that define the StreamSets engine type, version, and configuration to deploy.
  • Engines view - Use to manage the engines that have been deployed and launched in your corporate network.
  • Connections view - Use to create and manage connections that define the information required to connect to an external system.
Build views:
  • Fragments view - Use to design and manage pipeline fragments.
  • Pipelines view - Use to design and manage pipelines.
  • Sample Pipelines view - Use to view sample pipelines that you can use as a basis for building your own pipelines.
Run views:
  • Job Instances view - Use to create and monitor jobs created from pipelines or from job templates.
  • Scheduled Tasks view - Use to manage scheduled tasks that start, stop, or upgrade jobs on a regular basis.
  • Draft Runs view - Use to monitor, stop, and delete draft runs.
  • Sequences view - Use to create and monitor a sequence of jobs.
Monitor views:
  • Operations Dashboard view - Use to access the operations dashboard.
  • Topologies Dashboard view - Use to access the topologies dashboard.
  • Subscriptions view - Use to create subscriptions that listen for Control Hub events and then complete an action when those events occur.
  • Topologies view - Use to create and manage topologies.
  • Reports view - Use to view predefined reports that give an overall summary of the system.
  • Alerts view - Use to view and acknowledge alerts displayed in the Control Hub UI.
Manage views:
  • My Organization view - Use to administer your organization details.
  • Users view - Use to create and manage users.
  • Groups view - Use to create and manage groups.
  • Audits view - Use to view audit entries to monitor user logins and actions performed on Control Hub objects.
  • API Credentials view - Use to generate and manage credentials for use with the Control Hub REST API.
3 Global search Allows you to search globally for multiple object types by name.

For example, you can search for all pipelines, fragments, jobs, and topologies that include logs in the name.

4 Search by object type Allows you to search for a single object type using a fixed set of properties that you create search conditions for. You can perform both basic and advanced searches.
For example, you can search for pipelines by the Commit Message property, or search for jobs by the Failover property.
Note: Search is currently implemented for some object types. StreamSets will implement search for additional object types in future releases.
Navigation panel icon Toggles the display of the navigation panel.
Help icon Provides access to the online help and shows help tips. Also provides documentation for the Control Hub REST API.
Alerts icon Displays triggered alerts and a history of error messages.
My Account icon Displays your account and browser settings. Allows you to invite other users to your organization or to sign out.

Customizing Table Columns

You can resize, hide, and reorder table columns.

  1. To resize table columns, select and drag the column headers.
  2. To hide and reorder table columns, click the More icon () above the table and then click Show/Hide Columns.

  3. In the Show/Hide Columns dialog box, complete the following tasks:
    • Clear a column name to hide the column.
    • Select and drag column names to reorder the columns.

    For example, the following image shows that the Tags column is hidden and that the columns are reordered to list the Type column first:

  4. Click Ok.
    Tip: To reset columns to the defaults, click the More icon () above the table and then click Reset Columns.