Snowflake Table Origin

The Snowflake Table origin reads data from a single Snowflake table or view. To read from more than one table or view, use additional origins. For information about merging data from different origins, see Merging Streams.

When you configure the Snowflake Table origin, you specify the name of the table or view and the columns to read. When specifying the columns to read, you can also rename columns as needed.

You can define an additional WHERE clause to limit the query that the origin performs when you run the pipeline. You can also define an additional WHERE clause for data preview.

Configuring a Snowflake Table Origin

Configure a Snowflake Table origin to read data from a single Snowflake table or view. To read from additional tables or views, use additional origins.

  1. On the General tab, configure the following properties:
    General Property Description
    Name Stage name.
    Description Optional description.
    Cache Data Caches processed data.
  2. On the Table tab, configure the following properties:
    Table Property Description
    Table Name of the table or view to read from. Use one of the following methods to define this property:
    • Select from lists - Click the first text box and select the database to use. Click the second text box and select the schema to use. Click the third text box and select the table or view to use.
    • Explore and select - Click the Select Table icon to explore your Snowflake account and navigate to the table or view to use.

    The specified table becomes the name of the stage. When needed, you manually enter a stage name on the General tab. If you select a new table for the stage, the name of the selected table overrides the manually-entered stage name.

    Columns to Read Columns to include in the read. When columns are specified, the origin omits all unspecified columns from the read. When no columns are specified, the origin reads all columns.
    Configure the following properties as needed:
    • Columns to Select - Use one of the following methods to define this property:
      • Manually enter - Click Add and specify a column. Click Add Another to include additional columns.
      • Explore and select - Click the Select Column icon to select the columns to use, then click Save.

        To use this option, the Table property must be defined.

    • Rename - Renames the column before passing data downstream.
    Additional Where Clause Optional WHERE clause to limit the query that the origin performs when you run the pipeline. You can specify any condition that you would place into a WHERE clause of a Snowflake SQL query.

    Do not include WHERE in the clause.

    For example, to query rows with IDs greater than 1000, enter ID > 1000.

    Additional Preview Where Clause Optional WHERE clause to limit the query that the origin performs when you preview the pipeline.

    Use to determine the subset of data that displays in preview. By carefully choosing the preview data, you can more easily verify that pipeline processing is appropriate.

    You can specify any condition that you would place into a WHERE clause of a Snowflake SQL query.

    Do not include WHERE in the clause.

    For example, to query rows with different ranges of IDs, you might enter: (ID > 1000 AND ID < 1050) OR (ID > 2000 AND ID < 2050)

    For more information about previewing data, see the Control Hub documentation.