General Issues
- I keep getting the following connection error:
SNOWFLAKE_OOO - Error while connecting to Snowflake. net.Snowflake.Client.jdbc.SnowflakeSQLException: IP <ip address> is not allowed to access Snowflake. Contact your local security administrator.
- My job run or pipeline preview fails with an error stating that the user name or password is incorrect
- The Snowflake credentials defined in your IBM StreamSets account are no longer valid. Perhaps your Snowflake password has changed?
- Data preview starts, but generates no data. The origin has the following stage error:
TRANSFORMER_01 - Origin 'Operator: [Type: class com.streamsets.transformer.snowpark.origin.snowflake.table.TableOrigin id: <origin name>]' failed to while trying to produce data for following offsets: 'SQL compilation error: Object '<Snowflake table name>' does not exist or not authorized.'. Origin = [null, Offset = [Start: null End: null Generated Timestamp: <timestamp>]
- In the pipeline canvas, the preview (
) icon is disabled
- By default, data preview is enabled for a new organization. However it can be disabled in several ways.
- We enabled/disabled data preview for the organization, but the change doesn't seem to have taken effect
- When you enable or disable data preview using the organization property, it can take a few minutes for the change to take effect.