Monitoring Engines

When you view engine details in the Engines view, you can monitor the performance of the engine, the pipelines currently running on the engine, and the last time that the engine reported a heartbeat to Control Hub.

You can view configuration properties, all active Java threads, metric charts, logs, and directories for each engine. You can view information about the basic health of each Data Collector engine.

When the web browser uses direct engine REST APIs to communicate with engines, you can generate a support bundle for each engine. A support bundle includes the information required to troubleshoot various issues with the engine.

Tip: You can also monitor engines by creating a subscription that automatically notifies you when an engine stops responding.
  1. Click Set Up > Engines in the Navigation panel.
  2. Click an engine type tab.
  3. Click an engine link to monitor the engine.


When you view the details of an engine in the Engines view, you can monitor the performance of the engine.

Control Hub displays the following performance information for engines:
CPU Load
Percentage of CPU being used by the engine.
Memory Used
Amount of memory being used by the engine out of the total amount of memory allocated to that engine.
For example, let's say that an engine displays the following value for Memory Used:
216.36 MB of 1038.88 MB
That means that the engine is using 216.36 MB out of the total 1038.88 MB of memory allocated to that engine in the Java heap size. You can modify the Java heap size in the engine Java configuration properties when you edit a deployment. For more information, see Engine Advanced Configuration.

You can sort the list of engines by the CPU load or by the memory usage so that you can easily determine which engines are using the most resources.

Note: By default, engines send the CPU load and memory usage to Control Hub every minute. You can change the frequency with which an engine sends this information by modifying the property in the engine configuration properties when you edit a deployment. For more information, see Engine Advanced Configuration.

Pipeline Status

When you view the details of an engine in the Engines view, Control Hub displays the list of pipelines currently running on the engine.

Control Hub displays both draft pipelines started from draft runs and published pipelines started from jobs.

Unresponsive Engines

When you view the details of an engine in the Engines view, you can monitor the last time that the engine reported a heartbeat to Control Hub.

Engines communicate with Control Hub at regular one minute intervals to report a heartbeat and the status of running pipelines. If an engine fails to communicate with Control Hub before the maximum engine heartbeat interval expires, then Control Hub considers the engine unresponsive.

The Engines view displays a red Last Reported Time value for unresponsive engines. For example, in the following image, the Tutorial engine is unresponsive:

For more information about unresponsive engines including how Control Hub handles currently active jobs on unresponsive engines, see Jobs and Unresponsive Engines.

Stopping all Draft Runs

When you view the details of an engine in the Engines view, you can stop all draft runs currently running on the engine.

Stop a draft run when you want to stop processing data for the draft pipeline. When you stop a draft run, the job automatically created for the draft run stops the pipeline and then transitions to an inactive status.

When stopping a draft run, Control Hub waits for the pipeline to gracefully complete all tasks for the in-progress batch. In some situations, this can take several minutes.

For example, if a scripting processor includes code with a timed wait, Control Hub waits for the scripting processor to complete its task. Then, Control Hub waits for the rest of the pipeline to complete all tasks before stopping the pipeline.

When you stop a draft run that includes an origin that can be reset, Control Hub maintains the last-saved offset.

Note: Stopping all draft runs for an engine does not stop published pipelines started from jobs. To stop jobs, use the Job Instances view. Or, to stop an individual draft run, use the Draft Runs view.
  1. Click Set Up > Engines in the Navigation panel.
  2. Click an engine type tab.
  3. Click an engine link to monitor the engine.
  4. Click Stop Draft Runs.
  5. In the confirmation dialog box that appears, click OK.

    Depending on the pipeline complexity, the draft run might take some time to stop.

  6. Click Close.

Configuration Properties

When you view the details of an engine in the Engines view, click Configuration to view the engine configuration properties.

The Configuration tab displays a read-only view of the properties. You can enter text in the Filter field to filter the properties. For example, you can enter credentialstore to display the credential store properties.

To modify the configuration properties, edit the deployment that manages the engine.

External Resources

When you view the details of an engine in the Engines view, click External Resources to view the external resources available to the engine.

Note: A Transformer for Snowflake engine does not require access to external files and libraries. As a result, external resources are not applicable for a Transformer for Snowflake deployment.

Only users with the Engine Administrator role can access the External Resources tab.

External resources include external files and libraries that an engine requires to run your pipelines. For example, JDBC stages require a JDBC driver to access the database. When you use a JDBC stage, you must make the driver available as an external resource.

When the parent deployment is not configured to use external resources, you can upload external resources to the engine, as needed. When the parent deployment is configured to use an external resource archive, you update the archive file used by the deployment.

For more information, see External Resources.


You can view engine logs when you monitor an engine.
Note: Only users with the Engine Administrator role can access the Logs tab.
The information displayed in the logs depends on the engine type:
Data Collector
The Data Collector log, sdc.log, includes information about the Data Collector engine, such as start-up messages and information about all pipelines running on the engine.
The Transformer log, transformer.log, provides information about the Transformer engine such as start-up messages.
The Transformer log can also include some information about local pipelines or cluster pipelines run on Hadoop YARN in client deployment mode. For these types of pipelines, the Spark driver program is launched on the local Transformer machine. As a result, some pipeline processing messages are included in the Transformer log. The Transformer log does not include information about other types of cluster pipelines.
For details about how Spark runs, previews, and validates pipelines, view the Spark driver log that is accessible when you monitor Transformer jobs.
Transformer for Snowflake
The Transformer for Snowflake log, streamflake.log, includes information about the Transformer for Snowflake engine, such as start-up messages and information about all pipelines running on the engine.
Available when your organization uses a deployed Transformer for Snowflake engine.

Viewing Engine Logs

You can view engine logs when you monitor an engine.
Important: By default, engine logs are stored in a static directory on the engine machine. If you customize the log format so that Log4j dynamically creates log folders using lookups, then you cannot view the engine logs from the Control Hub user interface.
  1. Click Set Up > Engines in the Navigation panel.
  2. Click an engine type tab, and then click an engine link to view the engine details.
  3. Click the Logs tab to view log data.
    The Logs tab displays roughly 50,000 characters of the most recent log information.
  4. To filter the messages by log level, select a level from the Severity list.

    By default, the log displays messages for all severity levels.

  5. To view earlier messages, click Load Previous Logs.
  6. To download the latest log file when the web browser uses direct engine REST APIs, click Download. To download a specific log file, click Download > <file name>.
    The most recent information is in the file with the highest number.
    Note: At this time, you cannot download engine logs when the web browser uses WebSocket tunneling to communicate with engines.

Log Format

Each log entry includes a timestamp and message along with additional information relevant for the message. In the Control Hub UI, each log entry has the following information:
  • Timestamp
  • Pipeline
  • Severity
  • Message
  • Category
  • User
  • Runner
  • Thread
In the downloaded log file, the log entry has the same information, presented in a different order, as well as the stage that encountered the message.
Note: A downloaded Transformer log file includes stage information only for local pipelines and for cluster pipelines run on Hadoop YARN in client deployment mode.

StreamSets engines use the Apache Log4j library to write log data. The Log4j version depends on the following engine versions:

Data Collector or Transformer 5.x and later, all versions of Transformer for Snowflake
Uses Log4j 2.17.2. The log format is defined for the deployment that manages the engine.
For advanced use cases, you can customize the log format by editing the deployment. In the Configure Engine step, click Advanced Configuration. Then, click Log4j2. The information included in the engine log is set by the appender.streamsets.layout.pattern property in the log configuration.
To customize the log format, see the Log4j 2.x documentation.
Data Collector or Transformer 4.x
Uses Log4j 1.x. The log format is defined for the deployment that manages the engine.
For advanced use cases, you can customize the log format by editing the deployment. In the Configure Engine step, click Advanced Configuration. Then, click Log4j. The information included in the engine log is set by the log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern property in the log configuration.
To customize the log format, see the Log4j 1.x documentation.
Important: By default, engine logs are stored in a static directory on the engine machine. If you customize the log format so that Log4j dynamically creates log folders using lookups, then you cannot view the engine logs from the Control Hub user interface.
For all engine versions, the engines provide the following custom objects:
  • %X{s-entity} - Pipeline name and ID
  • %X{s-runner} - Runner ID
  • %X{s-stage} - Stage name
  • %X{s-user} - User who initiated the operation

Modifying the Log Level

If the engine log does not provide enough troubleshooting information, you can edit the deployment to modify the log level to display messages at another severity level.

Note: As a best practice, modify the log level by editing the deployment. You can also edit the log level for an individual engine. However, when the engine restarts, changes are overridden by the log configuration set for the deployment.
By default, an engine logs messages at the INFO severity level. You can configure the following log levels:
  • INFO (Default)
  • WARN
  1. In the Control Hub Navigation panel, click Set Up > Deployments.
  2. In the Actions column of the deployment, click the More icon () and then click Edit.
  3. In the Edit Deployment dialog box, expand the Configure Deployment section.
  4. Click Click here to configure next to the Advanced Configuration property.
  5. Click Log4j2.
    Control Hub displays the log configuration.
  6. Modify the configuration based on the following engine versions:
    • Data Collector or Transformer 5.x and later, all versions of Transformer for Snowflake - Set the logger.l1.level property to the log level that you want to use.

      For example, to set the log level to DEBUG, modify the property as follows:


    • Data Collector or Transformer 4.x - Set the property to the log level that you want to use.

      For example, to set the log level to DEBUG, modify the property as follows:

  7. Click Save.
  8. In the Edit Deployment dialog box, click Save.
  9. If associated engines are running, click Restart Engines to restart all engine instances for the changes to take effect.

    If associated engines are not running, they inherit the changes when the engines restart.

When you’ve finished troubleshooting, set the log level back to INFO to avoid having verbose log files.

Accessing Engine Log Files

If an engine fails to launch, shuts down unexpectedly, or cannot communicate with Control Hub, you cannot view the engine logs in the Control Hub UI.

To troubleshoot these issues, you can directly access the following information on the machine where the engine is deployed:
  • Engine log file
  • Standard output generated by the engine installation script

The steps that you use to access the log file and standard output depend on the deployment type that the engine belongs to.

Self-Managed Deployment

To access the log file and standard output for an engine belonging to a self-managed deployment, log in to the machine where the engine is deployed.

Access the information based on the engine installation type:

Tarball installation
Locate the log file as follows, based on the engine type:
  • Data Collector - /streamsets-sdc-<version>/log/sdc.log
  • Transformer - /streamsets-transformer-<version>/log/transformer.log
  • Transformer for Snowflake - /streamsets-streamflake-<version>/log/streamflake.log
To access the standard output, locate the output in the command prompt where you ran the installation script.
Docker installation
Run the following command to get the container ID for the engine:
docker ps
To access the log file, run the following command to connect to the container:
docker exec -it <container_ID> bash
Then locate the <engine_type>.log file in the /logs directory.
To access the standard output, run the following command:
docker logs <container_ID>

Amazon EC2 Deployment

To access the log file and standard output for an engine belonging to an Amazon EC2 deployment, use SSH to connect to the provisioned EC2 instance.

Important: To connect to the EC2 instance, you must allow inbound traffic to each instance and configure SSH access for the Amazon EC2 deployment.

You access the log files differently, based on the deployed engine type and version.

Data Collector 5.11.0 and Later and All Transformer for Snowflake Versions
For Data Collector version 5.11.0 and later and for all Transformer for Snowflake versions, you can access the following information after you use SSH to connect to the EC2 instance:
Engine log file
Locate the log file as follows, based on the engine type:
  • Data Collector - /logs/sdc.log
  • Transformer for Snowflake - /logs/streamflake.log
Standard output generated by the engine installation script
Run the following command, where <engine_type> is sdc or streamflake:
sudo journalctl -u <engine_type>
Data Collector 5.10.x and Earlier and All Transformer Versions
For Data Collector version 5.10.x and earlier and for all Transformer versions, you can access the following information after you use SSH to connect to the EC2 instance:
Engine log file
Locate the log file as follows, based on the engine type:
  • Data Collector - /var/log/sdc/sdc.log
  • Transformer - /var/log/transformer/transformer.log
Standard output generated by the engine installation script
Run the following command, where <engine_type> is sdc or transformer:
sudo journalctl -u <engine_type>

Azure VM Deployment

To access the log file and standard output for an engine belonging to an Azure VM deployment, use SSH to connect to the provisioned VM instance.

Important: To connect to the VM instance, you must allow inbound traffic to each instance and configure SSH access for the Azure VM deployment.

You access the log files differently, based on the deployed engine type and version.

Data Collector 5.8.0 and Later and Transformer 5.8.0 and Later
For Data Collector version 5.8.0 and later and Transformer version 5.8.0 and later, an engine is deployed to an Azure VM instance as a tarball package. After you use SSH to connect to the VM instance, you can access the following information:
Engine log file
Locate the sdc.log or transformer.log file in the /logs directory.
Standard output generated by the engine installation script
Run the following command:
sudo journalctl -u sdc
Data Collector 5.7.x and Earlier and Transformer 5.7.x and Earlier
For Data Collector version 5.7.x and earlier and Transformer version 5.7.x and earlier, an engine deployed to an Azure VM instance runs in a Docker container. After you use SSH to connect to the VM instance, run the following command to get the container ID for the engine:
docker ps
Use the container ID to access the following information:
Engine log file
Run the following command to connect to the container:
docker exec -it <container_ID> bash
Then locate the sdc.log or transformer.log file in the /logs directory.
Standard output generated by the engine installation script
Run the following command:
docker logs <container_ID>

GCE Deployment

To access the log file and standard output for an engine belonging to a GCE deployment, use SSH to connect to the provisioned VM instance.

Important: To connect to the VM instance, you must allow inbound traffic to each instance and configure SSH access for the GCE deployment. Alternatively, you can use SSH from the browser to connect to the instance from the Google Cloud Console, as described in the Google Cloud Compute Engine documentation.

You access the log files differently, based on the deployed engine type and version.

Data Collector 5.11.0 and Later
For Data Collector version 5.11.0 and later, you can access the following information after you use SSH to connect to the VM instance:
Engine log file
Locate the sdc.log file in the /logs directory.
Standard output generated by the engine installation script
Run the following command:
sudo journalctl -u sdc
Data Collector 5.10.x and Earlier and All Transformer Versions
For Data Collector version 5.10.x and earlier and for all Transformer versions, you can access the following information after you use SSH to connect to the VM instance:
Engine log file
Locate the log file as follows, based on the engine type:
  • Data Collector - /var/log/sdc/sdc.log
  • Transformer - /var/log/transformer/transformer.log
Standard output generated by the engine installation script
Run the following command, where <engine_type> is sdc or transformer:
sudo journalctl -u <engine_type>

Kubernetes Deployment

To access the log file and standard output for an engine belonging to a Control Hub Kubernetes deployment, use the Kubernetes command-line tool, kubectl, to access logs for the pod where the engine runs.

First, run the following kubectl command to retrieve the name of each pod within the Kubernetes namespace where the StreamSets engines are deployed:

kubectl [-n <namespace_name>] get pods

The StreamSets Kubernetes agent uses the following format to name each provisioned pod:


After retrieving the appropriate pod name, you can access the following information:

Engine log file
Run the following command, where <engine_type> is sdc or transformer:
kubectl [-n <namespace_name>] exec --stdin --tty pod/<pod_name> -- cat /logs/<engine_type>.log
Standard output generated by the engine installation script
Run the following command:
kubectl [-n <namespace_name>] logs pod/<pod_name>


When you view the details of an engine in the Engines view, click Metrics to view metric charts for the engine.

Metric charts include CPU usage, threads, and heap memory usage.

Thread Dump

When you view the details of an engine in the Engines view, click Thread Dump to view all active Java threads used by the engine.

Note: Only users with the Engine Administrator role can access the Thread Dump tab.

You can sort the list of threads by each column and refresh the list of threads. You can also enter text in the Filter field to filter the results. For example, you can filter the results by thread name or status.

When you expand a thread, Control Hub displays the stack trace for that thread.

Support Bundles

You can generate a support bundle for each engine. A support bundle is a ZIP file that includes engine logs, environment and configuration information, pipeline JSON files, resource files, and other details to help troubleshoot issues.

You upload the generated file to a StreamSets Support ticket, and the Support team can use the information to help resolve your tickets. Alternatively, you can send the file to another StreamSets community member.

Note: To generate a support bundle for engine versions earlier than Data Collector 5.4.0 or Transformer 5.3.0, the engine must use the direct engine REST API communication method.

When you view the details of an engine in the Engines view, click Support Bundle to generate a support bundle.

Note: Only users with the Engine Administrator role can access the Support Bundle tab.

Control Hub uses several generators to create a support bundle. Each generator bundles different types of information. You can choose to use all or some of the generators.

Each generator automatically redacts all passwords entered in pipelines, configuration files, or resource files. The generators replace all passwords with the text REDACTED in the generated files. You can customize the generators to redact other sensitive information, such as machine names or user names.

Before uploading a generated ZIP file to a support ticket, we recommend verifying that the file does not include any sensitive information that you do not want to share.


Control Hub can use the following generators to create a support bundle:

Generator Description
SDC Info Includes the following information about the engine:
  • Configuration files.
  • Permissions granted to users on directories.
  • Environment configuration file.
  • Engine version and system properties for the machine where the engine is installed.
  • Runtime information including pipeline metrics and a thread dump.
Pipelines Includes the following JSON files for each pipeline running on the engine:
  • history.json
  • info.json
  • offset.json
  • pipeline.json

By default, all pipelines are included in the bundle.

Blob Store Internal blob store containing information provided by Control Hub.
Logs Includes the most recent content of the following log files:
  • Garbage collector log - gc.log
  • Engine log - sdc.log, transformer.log, or streamflake.log

In addition, Control Hub always generates the following files when you create a support bundle:

  • - ID and version of the engine that the bundle was generated for.
  • - List of generators used for the bundle.

Generating a Support Bundle

When you generate a support bundle, you choose the information to include in the bundle.

You can download the bundle, and then verify its contents and upload it to a StreamSets Support ticket.

  1. Click Set Up > Engines in the Navigation panel.
  2. Click an engine type tab, and then expand an engine details.
  3. Click View Support Bundle.
  4. Select the generators that you want to use.
  5. Click Download.

    Control Hub generates the support bundle and saves it to a ZIP file in your default downloads directory.

    You can manually upload the file to a StreamSets Support ticket.

    Before sharing the file, verify that the file does not include sensitive information that you do not want to share. For example, you might want to remove the pipelines not associated with your support ticket. By default, the bundle includes all pipelines running on the engine.

Customizing Generators

By default, the generators redact all passwords entered in pipelines, configuration files, or resource files. You can customize the generators to redact other sensitive information, such as machine names or user names.

To customize the generators, modify the support bundle redactor file, support-bundle-redactor.json, located in the etc directory within the engine installation. The file contains rules that the generators use to redact sensitive information. Each rule contains the following information:

  • description - Description of the rule.
  • trigger - String constant that triggers a redaction. If a line contains this trigger string, then the redaction continues by applying the regular expression specified in the search property.
  • search - Regular expression that defines the sub-string to redact.
  • replace - String to replace the redacted information with.
You can add additional rules that the generators use to redact information. For example, to customize the generators to redact the names of all machines in the StreamSets domain, add the following rule to the file:
     "description": "Custom domain names",
     "trigger": "",
     "search": "[a-z_-]",
     "replace": ""


You can view the directories that each engine uses.

When you view the details of an engine in the Engines view, click the Directories tab to view the directories.

Note: Only users with the Engine Administrator role can access the Directories tab.
The following table describes the directories that display:
Directory Includes
Runtime Base directory for engine executables and related files.
Configuration Directory for engine configuration files. Also includes the logj4 properties file.
Data Pipeline configuration and run details.
Log Engine log file, sdc.log, transformer.log, or streamflake.log.
Resources Directory for runtime resource files.
Libraries Extra Directory Directory to store external libraries.

Health Inspector

When you view the details of a Data Collector engine in the Engines view, click the Health tab to access the Health Inspector.

At this time, the Health Inspector is not available for Transformer engines.

Note: Only users with the Engine Administrator role can access the Health tab.

The Data Collector Health Inspector provides a snapshot of how Data Collector is functioning. When you run Health Inspector, it performs checks for common misconfigurations and errors. You can use the Health Inspector to quickly check the health of your Data Collector.

Health Inspector provides only Data Collector-level details. For job or pipeline-level details, monitor the job or review the Data Collector log.

The Health Inspector provides the following categories of information:
  • Data Collector configuration - Displays the settings for certain Data Collector configuration properties, such as the maximum number of pipeline errors allowed in production.
  • Java Virtual Machine (JVM) process - Displays the settings for certain JVM configuration properties, such as the maximum amount of memory allotted to the JVM. Also generates related usage statistics, such as the percentage of the JVM memory currently used by Data Collector.
  • Machine - Displays important details about available resources on the Data Collector machine, such as the available space in the runtime directory.
  • Networking - Verifies that the internet is accessible by pinging the StreamSets website.

Viewing the Health Inspector

Control Hub generates Health Inspector details each time you access the Health tab.

  1. Click Set Up > Engines in the Navigation panel.
  2. Click the Data Collectors tab, and then expand an engine details.
  3. Click View Engine Configuration, and then click the Health tab.
  4. To view all available information, click the Expand All link.

    Green indicates that values are within expected range. Red indicates that values fall beyond the expected range.

    Some details, such as JVM Child Processes, provide additional information. To view that information, click Show Output.
  5. To refresh a category of information, click the Rerun link for the category.
  6. To refresh all Health Inspector details, navigate away from the tab, and then return.

Clearing the runHistory Folder

Data Collector and Transformer version 5.0.0 and later store information about previous pipeline runs in a runHistory folder on the engine machine. If a large number of pipelines run on the engine, the size of the folder can grow over time. In the rare occurrence that an engine machine runs out of disk space, you can clear the runHistory folder.

  1. Click Set Up > Engines in the Navigation panel.
  2. Click an engine type tab, and then click an engine link to view the engine details.
  3. Click Clean Up > Clear runHistory Folder.
  4. In the confirmation dialog box, click Clear.