MapR FS (deprecated)

Supported pipeline types:
  • Data Collector

The MapR FS origin reads files from MapR FS. Use this origin only in pipelines configured for cluster batch pipeline execution mode.
MapR is now HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric. At times, this documentation uses "MapR" to refer to both MapR and HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric. For information about supported versions, see Supported Systems and Versions.
Important: This stage is deprecated along with cluster pipelines, and may be removed in a future release. StreamSets recommends using StreamSets Transformer instead. For more information, see the Transformer documentation.

Data Collector provides several MapR origins to address different needs. For a quick comparison chart to help you choose the right one, see Comparing MapR Origins.

When you configure the MapR FS origin, you specify the input path and data format for the data to be read. You can configure the origin to read from all subdirectories and to generate a single record for records that include multiple objects.
Note: The origin processes files based on file names and locations. Having files with the same name in the same location can cause the origin to skip reading the duplicate files.

The MapR FS origin reads compressed data based on file extension for all Hadoop-supported compression codecs. The origin also generates record header attributes that enable you to use the origins of a record in pipeline processing.

When necessary, you can enable Kerberos authentication. You can also specify a Hadoop user to impersonate, define a Hadoop configuration file directory, and add Hadoop configuration properties as needed.

Before you use any MapR stage in a pipeline, you must perform additional steps to enable Data Collector to process MapR data. For more information, see MapR Prerequisites.

Kerberos Authentication

You can use Kerberos authentication to connect to MapR. When you use Kerberos authentication, Data Collector uses the Kerberos principal and keytab to connect to MapR. By default, Data Collector uses the user account who started it to connect.

The Kerberos principal and keytab are defined in the Data Collector configuration file, $SDC_CONF/ To use Kerberos authentication, configure all Kerberos properties in the Data Collector configuration file, and then enable Kerberos in the MapR FS origin.

For more information about enabling Kerberos authentication for Data Collector, see Kerberos Authentication.

Using a Hadoop User

Data Collector can either use the currently logged in Data Collector user or a user configured in the MapR FS origin to read files from MapR FS.

A Data Collector configuration property can be set that requires using the currently logged in Data Collector user. When this property is not set, you can specify a user in the origin. For more information about Hadoop impersonation and the Data Collector property, see Hadoop Impersonation Mode.

Note that the origin uses a different user account to connect to MapR FS. By default, Data Collector uses the user account who started it to connect to external systems. When using Kerberos, Data Collector uses the Kerberos principal.

To configure a user in the MapR FS origin to read from MapR FS, perform the following tasks:
  1. On MapR, configure the user as a proxy user and authorize the user to impersonate the Hadoop user.

    For more information, see the MapR documentation.

  2. In the MapR FS origin, on the Hadoop FS tab, configure the Hadoop FS User property.

Hadoop Properties and Configuration Files

You can configure the MapR FS origin to use individual Hadoop properties or Hadoop configuration files:

Hadoop configuration files
You can use the following Hadoop configuration files with the MapR FS origin:
  • core-site.xml
  • hdfs-site.xml
  • yarn-site.xml
  • mapred-site.xml
To use Hadoop configuration files:
  1. Store the files or a symlink to the files in the Data Collector resources directory.
  2. In the MapR FS origin, specify the location of the files.
Individual properties
You can configure individual Hadoop properties in the origin. To add a Hadoop property, you specify the exact property name and the value. The MapR FS origin does not validate the property names or values.
Note: Individual properties override properties defined in the Hadoop configuration files.

Record Header Attributes

The MapR FS origin creates record header attributes that include information about the originating file for the record.

You can use the record:attribute or record:attributeOrDefault functions to access the information in the attributes. For more information about working with record header attributes, see Working with Header Attributes.

The MapR FS origin creates the following record header attributes:
  • file - Provides the file path and file name where the record originated.
  • offset - Provides the file offset in bytes. The file offset is the location in the file where the record originated.

Data Formats

The MapR FS origin processes data differently based on the data format that you select. The origin processes the following types of data:

Generates a record for every Avro record. Includes a precision and scale field attribute for each Decimal field.
The stage includes the Avro schema in an avroSchema record header attribute. You can use one of the following methods to specify the location of the Avro schema definition:
  • Message/Data Includes Schema - Use the schema in the file.
  • In Pipeline Configuration - Use the schema that you provide in the stage configuration.
  • Confluent Schema Registry - Retrieve the schema from Confluent Schema Registry. Confluent Schema Registry is a distributed storage layer for Avro schemas. You can configure the stage to look up the schema in Confluent Schema Registry by the schema ID or subject specified in the stage configuration.
Using a schema in the stage configuration or retrieving a schema from Confluent Schema Registry overrides any schema that might be included in the file and can improve performance.
The stage reads files compressed by Avro-supported compression codecs without requiring additional configuration.
Generates a record for each delimited line.
The CSV parser that you choose determines the delimiter properties that you configure and how the stage handles parsing errors. You can specify if the data includes a header line and whether to use it. You can define the number of lines to skip before reading, the character set of the data, and the root field type to use for the generated record.
You can also configure the stage to replace a string constant with null values and to ignore control characters.
For more information about reading delimited data, see Reading Delimited Data.
Generates a record for each line of text or for each section of text based on a custom delimiter.
When a line or section exceeds the maximum line length defined for the origin, the origin truncates it. The origin adds a boolean field named Truncated to indicate if the line was truncated.
For more information about processing text with a custom delimiter, see Text Data Format with Custom Delimiters.

Configuring a MapR FS Origin

Configure a MapR FS origin to read files from MapR FS.
Important: This stage is deprecated along with cluster pipelines, and may be removed in a future release. StreamSets recommends using StreamSets Transformer instead. For more information, see the Transformer documentation.s
  1. In the Properties panel, on the General tab, configure the following properties:
    General Property Description
    Name Stage name.
    Description Optional description.
    Stage Library Library version that you want to use.
    On Record Error Error record handling for the stage:
    • Discard - Discards the record.
    • Send to Error - Sends the record to the pipeline for error handling.
    • Stop Pipeline - Stops the pipeline. Not valid for cluster pipelines.
  2. On the Hadoop FS tab, configure the following properties:
    Hadoop FS Property Description
    Hadoop FS URI Optional Hadoop URI.

    To connect to a specific cluster, enter maprfs:///mapr/<cluster name>. For example:


    Leave empty to use the default value of maprfs:///, which uses the first entry defined in the $MAPR_HOME/conf/mapr-clusters.conf file.

    Input Paths Location of the input data to be read. Enter the path as follows: /<path>.
    For example:
    Include All Subdirectories Reads from all directories within the specified input path.
    Produce Single Record Generates a single record when a record includes multiple objects.
    Kerberos Authentication Uses Kerberos credentials to connect to MapR.

    When selected, uses the Kerberos principal and keytab defined in the Data Collector configuration file, $SDC_CONF/

    Hadoop FS Configuration Directory

    Location of the Hadoop configuration files.

    Use a directory or symlink within the Data Collector resources directory.

    You can use the following files with the MapR FS origin:
    • core-site.xml
    • hdfs-site.xml
    • yarn-site.xml
    • mapred-site.xml
    Note: Properties in the configuration files are overridden by individual properties defined in the stage.
    Hadoop FS User The Hadoop user to impersonate to read from MapR. When using this property, make sure MapR is configured appropriately.

    When not configured, the pipeline uses the currently logged in Data Collector user.

    Not configurable when Data Collector is configured to use the currently logged in Data Collector user. For more information, see Hadoop Impersonation Mode.

    Hadoop FS Configuration Additional Hadoop configuration properties to use. To add properties, click Add and define the property name and value.

    Use the property names and values as expected by MapR FS.

    Max Batch Size (records) Maximum number of records processed at one time. Honors values up to the Data Collector maximum batch size.

    Default is 1000. The Data Collector default is 1000.

  3. On the Data Format tab, configure the following property:
    Data Format Property Description
    Data Format
    Type of data to be read. Use one of the following options:
    • Avro
    • Delimited
    • Text
  4. For Avro data, on the Data Format tab, configure the following properties:
    Avro Property Description
    Avro Schema Location Location of the Avro schema definition to use when processing data:
    • Message/Data Includes Schema - Use the schema in the file.
    • In Pipeline Configuration - Use the schema provided in the stage configuration.
    • Confluent Schema Registry - Retrieve the schema from Confluent Schema Registry.

    Using a schema in the stage configuration or in Confluent Schema Registry can improve performance.

    Avro Schema Avro schema definition used to process the data. Overrides any existing schema definitions associated with the data.

    You can optionally use the runtime:loadResource function to load a schema definition stored in a runtime resource file.

    Schema Registry URLs Confluent Schema Registry URLs used to look up the schema. To add a URL, click Add and then enter the URL in the following format:
    http://<host name>:<port number>
    Basic Auth User Info User information needed to connect to Confluent Schema Registry when using basic authentication.

    Enter the key and secret from the setting in Schema Registry using the following format:

    Tip: To secure sensitive information such as user names and passwords, you can use runtime resources or credential stores.
    Lookup Schema By Method used to look up the schema in Confluent Schema Registry:
    • Subject - Look up the specified Avro schema subject.
    • Schema ID - Look up the specified Avro schema ID.
    Overrides any existing schema definitions associated with the data.
    Schema Subject Avro schema subject to look up in Confluent Schema Registry.

    If the specified subject has multiple schema versions, the origin uses the latest schema version for that subject. To use an older version, find the corresponding schema ID, and then set the Look Up Schema By property to Schema ID.

    Schema ID Avro schema ID to look up in Confluent Schema Registry.
  5. For delimited data, on the Data Format tab, configure the following properties:
    Delimited Property Description
    Delimiter Format Type Delimiter format type. Use one of the following options:
    • Default CSV - File that includes comma-separated values. Ignores empty lines in the file.
    • RFC4180 CSV - Comma-separated file that strictly follows RFC4180 guidelines.
    • MS Excel CSV - Microsoft Excel comma-separated file.
    • MySQL CSV - MySQL comma-separated file.
    • Tab-Separated Values - File that includes tab-separated values.
    • PostgreSQL CSV - PostgreSQL comma-separated file.
    • PostgreSQL Text - PostgreSQL text file.
    • Custom - File that uses user-defined delimiter, escape, and quote characters.
    • Multi Character Delimited - File that uses multiple user-defined characters to delimit fields and lines, and single user-defined escape and quote characters.

    Available when using the Apache Commons parser type.

    Header Line Indicates whether a file contains a header line, and whether to use the header line.
    Allow Extra Columns Allows processing records with more columns than exist in the header line.

    Available when using the Apache Commons parser to process data with a header line.

    Extra Column Prefix Prefix to use for any additional columns. Extra columns are named using the prefix and sequential increasing integers as follows: <prefix><integer>.

    For example, _extra_1. Default is _extra_.

    Available when using the Apache Commons parser to process data with a header line while allowing extra columns.

    Max Record Length (chars) Maximum length of a record in characters. Longer records are not read.

    This property can be limited by the Data Collector parser buffer size. For more information, see Maximum Record Size.

    Available when using the Apache Commons parser.

    Delimiter Character Delimiter character. Select one of the available options or use Other to enter a custom character.

    You can enter a Unicode control character using the format \uNNNN, where ​N is a hexadecimal digit from the numbers 0-9 or the letters A-F. For example, enter \u0000 to use the null character as the delimiter or \u2028 to use a line separator as the delimiter.

    Default is the pipe character ( | ).

    Available when using the Apache Commons parser with a custom delimiter format.

    Multi Character Field Delimiter Characters that delimit fields.

    Default is two pipe characters (||).

    Available when using the Apache Commons parser with the multi-character delimiter format.

    Multi Character Line Delimiter Characters that delimit lines or records.

    Default is the newline character (\n).

    Available when using the Apache Commons parser with the multi-character delimiter format.

    Escape Character Escape character.

    Available when using the Apache Commons parser with the custom or multi-character delimiter format. Also available when using the Univocity parser.

    Quote Character Quote character.

    Available when using the Apache Commons parser with the custom or multi-character delimiter format. Also available when using the Univocity parser.

    Enable Comments Allows commented data to be ignored for custom delimiter format.

    Available when using the Apache Commons parser.

    Comment Marker Character that marks a comment when comments are enabled for custom delimiter format.

    Available when using the Apache Commons parser.

    Lines to Skip Number of lines to skip before reading data.
    Compression Format The compression format of the files:
    • None - Processes only uncompressed files.
    • Compressed File - Processes files compressed by the supported compression formats.
    • Archive - Processes files archived by the supported archive formats.
    • Compressed Archive - Processes files archived and compressed by the supported archive and compression formats.
    File Name Pattern within Compressed Directory For archive and compressed archive files, file name pattern that represents the files to process within the compressed directory. You can use UNIX-style wildcards, such as an asterisk or question mark. For example, *.json.

    Default is *, which processes all files.

    CSV Parser Parser to use to process delimited data:
    • Apache Commons - Provides robust parsing and a wide range of delimited format types.
    • Univocity - Can provide faster processing for wide delimited files, such as those with over 200 columns.

    Default is Apache Commons.

    Max Columns Maximum number of columns to process per record.

    Available when using the Univocity parser.

    Max Character per Column Maximum number of characters to process in each column.

    Available when using the Univocity parser.

    Skip Empty Lines Allows skipping empty lines.

    Available when using the Univocity parser.

    Allow Extra Columns Allows processing records with more columns than exist in the header line.

    Available when using the Apache Commons parser to process data with a header line.

    Extra Column Prefix Prefix to use for any additional columns. Extra columns are named using the prefix and sequential increasing integers as follows: <prefix><integer>.

    For example, _extra_1. Default is _extra_.

    Available when using the Apache Commons parser to process data with a header line while allowing extra columns.

    Max Record Length (chars) Maximum length of a record in characters. Longer records are not read.

    This property can be limited by the Data Collector parser buffer size. For more information, see Maximum Record Size.

    Available when using the Apache Commons parser.

    Ignore Empty Lines Allows empty lines to be ignored.

    Available when using the Apache Commons parser with the custom delimiter format.

    Root Field Type Root field type to use:
    • List-Map - Generates an indexed list of data. Enables you to use standard functions to process data. Use for new pipelines.
    • List - Generates a record with an indexed list with a map for header and value. Requires the use of delimited data functions to process data. Use only to maintain pipelines created before 1.1.0.
    Parse NULLs Replaces the specified string constant with null values.
    NULL Constant String constant to replace with null values.
    Charset Character encoding of the files to be processed.
    Ignore Control Characters Removes all ASCII control characters except for the tab, line feed, and carriage return characters.
  6. For text data, on the Data Format tab, configure the following properties:
    Text Property Description
    Max Line Length Maximum number of characters allowed for a line. Longer lines are truncated.

    Adds a boolean field to the record to indicate if it was truncated. The field name is Truncated.

    This property can be limited by the Data Collector parser buffer size. For more information, see Maximum Record Size.

    Use Custom Delimiter Uses custom delimiters to define records instead of line breaks.
    Custom Delimiter One or more characters to use to define records.
    Charset Character encoding of the files to be processed.
    Ignore Control Characters Removes all ASCII control characters except for the tab, line feed, and carriage return characters.