Simple and Bulk Edit Mode

Some pipeline and stage properties allow you the choice of specifying information in simple or bulk edit mode. This typically occurs when you have the option of listing one or more items.

In simple edit mode, you simply use the user interface to create a list. Properties use simple mode by default.

Bulk edit mode displays the property name and its value in JSON format. To avoid errors in JSON formatting, best practice is to configure the first item or set of properties. Then, use the Add Another option to create additional configurations before you switch to bulk edit mode.

Note: When using bulk edit mode, be sure to use the property names generated by the user interface. Simply enter the values for the predefined property names.
For example, in the following JSON generated by the Aggregate processor, you can change the values to the right of the colons, but use the property names outputColumn, aggregateTypes, and aggregateColumn, unless they are not relevant:
		"outputColumn": "salary_median",
		"aggregateTypes": "MEDIAN",
		"aggregateColumn": "salary"