
The Snowflake destination writes data to Snowflake. You can use the Snowflake destination to write to any accessible Snowflake database, including those hosted on Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure, and private Snowflake installations.

The Snowflake destination stages data to an internal table before writing it to Snowflake.

When you configure the destination, you specify the Snowflake region, database, table, and schema to use. You also specify the user account and password. You can optionally specify a custom role that overrides the default role for the user account. The user account or the custom role must have the required Snowflake privileges.

You can also use a connection to configure the destination.

You specify the write mode to use: overwrite, append, or merge. When appending data, the destination creates the table if it does not exist. To merge data, you configure additional merge properties.

You specify how to map record fields to table columns and select the behavior for data type mismatches. You can configure the origin to preserve existing capitalization for column names. You can also specify the number of connections to use and configure additional Snowflake properties.

Note: When the pipeline runs on a Databricks cluster, use Databricks runtime 6.1 or above for optimal compatibility.

Required Privileges and Custom Roles

The Snowflake destination requires a Snowflake role that grants the following privileges:

Object Privilege
If you create a custom role with the required privileges, define the role that the stage uses in one of the following ways:
Assign the custom role as the default role
In Snowflake, assign the custom role as the default role for the Snowflake user account specified in the stage. A Snowflake user account is associated with a single default role.
Override the default role with the custom role
In the stage, use the Role property to specify the name of the custom role. The custom role overrides the role assigned to the Snowflake user account specified in the stage.
For example, you might define custom roles in Snowflake for specific data sources, and then specify one of the roles when configuring a Snowflake stage.
Use a Snowflake connection
When working with Control Hub, you can configure a Snowflake connection to provide connection details for Snowflake stages.
When a Snowflake stage is configured to use a Snowflake connection, the stage uses the role associated with the connection. You cannot define the role to use in stage properties. For more information, see Using Custom Roles.

Write Mode

The write mode determines how the Snowflake destination writes to Snowflake.
Overwrite existing table
If the table exists, the destination drops and recreates the table. Then, the destination inserts all data to the table.
Append rows to existing table or create table if none exists
If the table exists, the destination appends data to the table. If the table does not exist, the destination creates the table.
Append data to an existing table only when each record has a unique primary key. If a row with the same primary key exists in the table, the pipeline fails with a primary key violation.
Merge rows to existing table
The destination merges data with data in an existing table. The destination performs inserts, updates, and deletes based on the specified merge properties.

Merge Properties

When using the Merge write mode, you configure the following properties:
Join Key
One or more key columns in the table. Used to perform updates and deletes and to ensure that duplicate rows do not exist for inserts. Pipeline records must include a matching field name.
When Clause
Action that the destination performs when a record meets the specified conditions. You can specify multiple merge configurations for the destination to perform.
Important: The destination performs the writes in the specified order. Best practice is to list merge configurations with the smallest number of affected records first, progressing to the largest number of affected records. When defining multiple merge configurations of the same type, carefully consider the order that you use.
When defining a merge configuration, you define the following properties:
  • When Clause - Determines when an action is performed. Select one of the following options:
    • When Matched - Use with the Update and Delete operations. Updates or deletes a row upon finding a matching join key.
    • When Not Matched - Use with the Insert operation. Inserts a row when no matching join key exists in the table.
    • When Not Matched by Source - Do not use. Snowflake does not support this option.

    For example, say the Join Key is set to id, the When Clause property is set to When Matched, and Operation property is set to Update. When an ID in the record matches an ID in the table, the record is written to the table, updating the existing row.

  • Additional Condition - An optional additional condition for the merge. Use $input. to prefix field names in records, and $target. to prefix column names in the table.

    For example, if the Join Key is id and you set an additional condition of $input.delete=true, then the merge only occurs when the ID in the record matches an ID in the table and the delete field in the record is set to true.

  • Operation - The operation to perform: Insert, Update, or Delete. The operation that you can use is dependent on the When Clause option that you select.

    For example, the Insert operation can only be used when the When Clause is set to When Not Matched.

Snowflake Data Types

When writing to Snowflake, the Snowflake destination converts the Spark data types used in the pipeline to Snowflake data types. The following table describes how this conversion occurs.

Snowflake data types that are not listed in the table are not supported.
Spark Data Type Snowflake Data Type
BooleanType BOOLEAN
DateType DATE
DecimalType DECIMAL
DoubleType DOUBLE
FloatType FLOAT
IntegerType INTEGER
StringType VARCHAR(N) for specified lengths, otherwise VARCHAR
StructType VARIANT
TimestampType TIMESTAMP

Configuring a Snowflake Destination

Configure the Snowflake destination to write data to Snowflake.

  1. On the Properties panel, on the General tab, configure the following properties:
    General Property Description
    Name Stage name.
    Description Optional description.
    Stage Library Stage library to use to connect to Snowflake:
    • Snowflake cluster-provided libraries - The cluster where the pipeline runs has Snowflake libraries installed, and therefore has all of the necessary libraries to run the pipeline.

      Available only in Databricks pipelines.

    • Snowflake Transformer-provided libraries - Transformer passes the necessary libraries with the pipeline to enable running the pipeline.

      Use when running the pipeline locally or when the cluster where the pipeline runs does not include the Snowflake libraries for Spark.

      Select the appropriate Spark version for your cluster.

    Note: When using additional Snowflake stages in the pipeline, ensure that they use the same stage library.
  2. On the Connection tab, use one of the following tables to configure connection properties:
    Note: Snowflake JDBC driver versions 3.13.25 or higher convert underscores to hyphens, by default. When needed, you can bypass this behavior by setting the allowUnderscoresInHost driver property to true. For more information and alternate solutions, see this Snowflake community article.
    The properties that display differ depending on whether you use a Control Hub connection to provide connection details.
    When using a connection, configure the following properties:
    Connection Property - Using Connection Property
    Connection Connection that defines the information required to connect to an external system.

    To connect to an external system, you can select a connection that contains the details, or you can directly enter the details in the pipeline. When you select a connection, Control Hub hides other properties so that you cannot directly enter connection details in the pipeline.

    Override Warehouse Snowflake warehouse.

    If the selected Snowflake connection specifies a warehouse to use, this property overrides it.

    Available only when using a connection.

    Override Database Snowflake database.

    If the selected Snowflake connection specifies a database to use, this property overrides it.

    Available only when using a connection.

    Override Schema Snowflake schema.

    If the selected Snowflake connection specifies a schema to use, this property overrides it.

    Available only when using a connection.

    When not using a Control Hub connection, configure the following properties:
    Connection Property - Not Using Connection Description
    Use Custom JDBC URL Enables using a custom JDBC URL.
    Custom JDBC URL Custom JDBC URL to use.
    Include Organization Enables specifying the Snowflake organization.
    Organization Snowflake organization.
    Snowflake Region Region where the Snowflake warehouse is located. Select one of the following:
    • An available Snowflake region.
    • Other - Enables specifying a Snowflake region not listed in the property.
    • Custom JDBC URL - Enables specifying a virtual private Snowflake installation.

    Available when Include Organization is disabled.

    Custom Snowflake Region Custom Snowflake region. Available when using Other as the Snowflake region.
    Account Snowflake account name.
    Authentication Method
    Authentication method to connect to Snowflake:
    • User Credentials
    • Key Pair Path - Use to specify the location of a private key file.
    • Key Pair Content - Use to provide the contents of a private key file.
    • OAuth
    • None
    User Snowflake user name.

    The user account or the custom role that overrides the default role for this user account must have the required Snowflake privileges.

    For details, see Required Privileges and Custom Roles.

    Available when using an authentication method.

    Password Snowflake password.

    Required when using User Credentials authentication.

    Private Key Path Path to the private key file.

    Required when using Key Pair Path authentication.

    Private Key Content Contents of the private key file.

    Required when using Key Pair Content authentication.

    Private Key Password Optional password for the specified private key file or content. Use for encrypted private keys.

    Available when using Key Pair Path or Key Pair Content authentication.

    OAuth Token OAuth token to use. You can use a Snowflake security integration access token, refresh token, or code grant.

    Required when using OAuth authentication.

    OAuth Client ID Client ID for Snowflake security integration access tokens.

    Available when using OAuth authentication.

    OAuth Client Secret Client secret for Snowflake security integration access tokens.

    Available when using OAuth authentication.

    OAuth Redirect URI Redirect URI for Snowflake security integration access tokens.

    Available when using OAuth authentication.

    Role Overrides the default role for the specified user account.

    The custom role must have the required Snowflake privileges.

    Warehouse Snowflake warehouse.
    Database Snowflake database.
    Schema Snowflake schema.
    Use Private Link Snowflake URL Enables using a private link URL.

    You can specify the URL in the Custom JDBC URL property above. Or, you can define the appropriate values for the Account property and either the Snowflake Region or Organization properties.

    Connection Properties Additional Snowflake Connection for Spark properties to use. For information about additional options, see the Snowflake documentation.

    To add properties, click the Add icon and define the property name and value. Specify the property names and values as expected by Snowflake.

    You can use simple or bulk edit mode to configure the properties.

    Tip: To secure sensitive information, you can use credential stores or runtime resources.
  3. On the Table tab, configure the following properties:
    Table Property Description
    Table Name of the Snowflake table to write to.
    Keep Column Case Preserves the case used in field names when writing data to Snowflake.

    When not selected, field names are converted to all caps when writing to Snowflake, unless the names are enclosed in quotation marks.

    Column Mapping Mode Mode to map record fields to Snowflake table columns:
    • By Order - Record fields map to table columns based on order.
    • By Name - Record fields map to table columns based on names. The mapping is not case-sensitive.
    Mismatch Behavior Action to take when field data is the wrong data type for the mapped table column:
    • Error - Generates an error that stops the pipeline.
    • Ignore - Drops the invalid data from the record and inserts a null value in the table column.
    Write Mode Write mode for the stage:
    • Overwrite existing table - If the table exists, the destination drops and recreates the table. Then, the destination inserts all data to the table.
    • Append rows to existing table or create table if none exists - If the table exists, the destination appends data to the table. If the table does not exist, the destination creates the table.

      Append data to an existing table only when each record has a unique primary key. If a row with the same primary key exists in the table, the pipeline fails with a primary key violation.

    • Merge rows to existing table - The destination merges data with data in an existing table. The destination performs inserts, updates, and deletes based on the specified merge properties.
    Join Key One or more key columns in the table. Used to perform updates and deletes and to ensure that duplicate rows do not exist for inserts. Pipeline records must include a matching field name.
    Merge Configuration Action that the destination performs when a record meets the specified conditions. You can specify multiple merge configurations for the destination to perform.
    Important: The destination performs the writes in the specified order. Best practice is to list merge configurations with the smallest number of affected records first, progressing to the largest number of affected records. When defining multiple merge configurations of the same type, carefully consider the order that you use.
    Configure the following properties:
    • When Clause - Determines when an action is performed. Select one of the following options:
      • When Matched - Use with the Update and Delete operations. Updates or deletes a row upon finding a matching join key.
      • When Not Matched - Use with the Insert operation. Inserts a row when no matching join key exists in the table.
      • When Not Matched by Source - Do not use. Snowflake does not support this option.
    • Additional Condition - An optional additional condition for the merge. Use $input. to prefix field names in records, and $target. to prefix column names in the table.
    • Operation - The operation to perform: Insert, Update, or Delete. The operation that you can use is dependent on the When Clause option that you select.

    Click the Add icon to specify another merge clause.

    Available with the Merge Rows to Existing Table write mode.

  4. Optionally, on the Advanced tab, configure the following property:
    Advanced Property Description
    Connection Pool Maximum number of connections to Snowflake that the stage uses.

    Default is 4.

    Increasing this property can improve performance. However, Snowflake warns that setting this property to an arbitrarily high value can adversely affect performance. The default is the recommended value.