Job Tags

A job tag identifies similar jobs. Use job tags to easily search and filter jobs when viewing them in the Job Instances view. For example, you might want to group jobs by the origin system or by the test or production environment.

Job tags are similar to pipeline labels which you use to easily search and filter pipelines and fragments when viewing them in the Pipelines or Fragments view.

You can use nested tags to create a hierarchy of job groupings. Enter nested tags using the following format:


For example, to group jobs in the test environment by the origin system, you might add the tags Test/ADLSGen2 and Test/Elasticsearch to the appropriate jobs.

Note: Job tags are different from the engine labels that you assign to jobs. Job tags are optional and are used simply to identify similar jobs. Engine labels are required. They determine which engine runs each job.

You add tags to jobs when you create or edit jobs. Job instances created from a job template inherit all tags added to the template.

To filter jobs by tags in the Job Instances view, see Filtering Jobs.