Google Pub/Sub Publisher

The Google Pub/Sub Publisher destination publishes messages to a Google Pub/Sub topic. For information about supported versions, see Supported Systems and Versions.

When you configure the destination, you define the Google Pub/Sub topic ID to write messages to. You also define the project ID and credentials to use when connecting to Google Pub/Sub.

By default, the Google Pub/Sub Publisher destination writes messages in batches. Using advanced properties, you can configure the conditions that trigger writing a new batch or disable batch processing to write messages individually. You can also configure the action the destination takes when it reads messages faster than it can write messages.

A Google Pub/Sub message contains a payload and optional user-defined attributes that describe the payload content. When records include record header attributes, the Google Pub/Sub Publisher destination includes the record header attributes in message attributes. The destination does not include internal record header attributes in message attributes. For more information about record header attributes, see Record Header Attributes.


When the Google Pub/Sub Publisher destination publishes messages to a Google Pub/Sub topic, the destination must pass credentials to Google Pub/Sub.

You can provide credentials using one the following options:
  • Google Cloud default credentials
  • Credentials in a file
  • Credentials in a stage property

For details on how to configure each option, see Security in Google Cloud Stages.

Data Formats

Google Pub/Sub Publisher writes data to Google Pub/Sub based on the data format that you select. You can use the following data formats:

The stage writes records based on the Avro schema. You can use one of the following methods to specify the location of the Avro schema definition:
  • In Pipeline Configuration - Use the schema that you provide in the stage configuration.
  • In Record Header - Use the schema included in the avroSchema record header attribute.
  • Confluent Schema Registry - Retrieve the schema from Confluent Schema Registry. The Confluent Schema Registry is a distributed storage layer for Avro schemas. You can configure the destination to look up the schema in the Confluent Schema Registry by the schema ID or subject.

    If using the Avro schema in the stage or in the record header attribute, you can optionally configure the stage to register the Avro schema with the Confluent Schema Registry. You can also optionally include the schema definition in the message. Omitting the schema definition can improve performance, but requires the appropriate schema management to avoid losing track of the schema associated with the data.

You can include the Avro schema in the output.
You can also compress data with an Avro-supported compression codec. When using Avro compression, avoid configuring any other compression properties in the stage.
The stage writes binary data to a single field in the record.
The destination writes records as delimited data. When you use this data format, the root field must be list or list-map.
You can use the following delimited format types:
  • Default CSV - File that includes comma-separated values. Ignores empty lines in the file.
  • RFC4180 CSV - Comma-separated file that strictly follows RFC4180 guidelines.
  • MS Excel CSV - Microsoft Excel comma-separated file.
  • MySQL CSV - MySQL comma-separated file.
  • Tab-Separated Values - File that includes tab-separated values.
  • PostgreSQL CSV - PostgreSQL comma-separated file.
  • PostgreSQL Text - PostgreSQL text file.
  • Custom - File that uses user-defined delimiter, escape, and quote characters.
  • Multi Character Delimited - File that uses multiple user-defined characters to delimit fields and lines, and single user-defined escape and quote characters.
The destination writes records as JSON data. You can use one of the following formats:
  • Array - Each file includes a single array. In the array, each element is a JSON representation of each record.
  • Multiple objects - Each file includes multiple JSON objects. Each object is a JSON representation of a record.
Writes one record in a message. Uses the user-defined message type and the definition of the message type in the descriptor file to generate the message.
For information about generating the descriptor file, see Protobuf Data Format Prerequisites.
SDC Record
The destination writes records in the SDC Record data format.
The destination writes data from a single text field to the destination system. When you configure the stage, you select the field to use.
You can configure the characters to use as record separators. By default, the destination uses a UNIX-style line ending (\n) to separate records.
When a record does not contain the selected text field, the destination can report the missing field as an error or to ignore the missing field. By default, the destination reports an error.
When configured to ignore a missing text field, the destination can discard the record or write the record separator characters to create an empty line for the record. By default, the destination discards the record.
The destination creates a valid XML document for each record. The destination requires the record to have a single root field that contains the rest of the record data. For details and suggestions for how to accomplish this, see Record Structure Requirement.

The destination can include indentation to produce human-readable documents. It can also validate that the generated XML conforms to the specified schema definition. Records with invalid schemas are handled based on the error handling configured for the destination.

Configuring a Google Pub/Sub Publisher Destination

Configure a Google Pub/Sub Publisher destination to write messages to a Google Pub/Sub topic.

  1. In the Properties panel, on the General tab, configure the following properties:
    General Property Description
    Name Stage name.
    Description Optional description.
    Required Fields Fields that must include data for the record to be passed into the stage.
    Tip: You might include fields that the stage uses.

    Records that do not include all required fields are processed based on the error handling configured for the pipeline.

    Preconditions Conditions that must evaluate to TRUE to allow a record to enter the stage for processing. Click Add to create additional preconditions.

    Records that do not meet all preconditions are processed based on the error handling configured for the stage.

    On Record Error Error record handling for the stage:
    • Discard - Discards the record.
    • Send to Error - Sends the record to the pipeline for error handling.
    • Stop Pipeline - Stops the pipeline.
  2. On the Pub/Sub tab, configure the following property:
    Pub/Sub Property Description
    Topic ID Google Pub/Sub topic ID to write messages to.
  3. On the Credentials tab, configure the following properties:
    Credentials Property Description
    Project ID

    Google Cloud project ID to use.

    Credentials Provider Provider for Google Cloud credentials:
    • Default credentials provider - Uses Google Cloud default credentials.
    • Service account credentials file (JSON) - Uses credentials stored in a JSON service account credentials file.
    • Service account credentials (JSON) - Uses JSON-formatted credentials information from a service account credentials file.
    Credentials File Path (JSON) Path to the Google Cloud service account credentials file used to connect. The credentials file must be a JSON file.

    Enter a path relative to the Data Collector resources directory, $SDC_RESOURCES, or enter an absolute path.

    Credentials File Content (JSON) Contents of a Google Cloud service account credentials JSON file used to connect.

    Enter JSON-formatted credential information in plain text, or use an expression to call the information from runtime resources or a credential store.

  4. On the Advanced tab, configure the following properties:
    Advanced Property Description
    Request Bytes Threshold Size of accumulated messages that triggers sending messages as a batch. Specify in bytes.

    Default is 1000.

    Messages Count Threshold Number of accumulated messages that triggers sending messages as a batch.

    Default is 100.

    Default Delay Threshold (ms) Elapsed time since the arrival of the first message that triggers sending messages as a batch. Specify in milliseconds.

    Default is 1.

    Batch Enabled Select to have the destination send messages in batches. When disabled, the destination writes each message individually, ignoring threshold properties.
    Max Outstanding Message Count Maximum number of unprocessed messages that the destination stores in memory before taking an action to control the flow of messages.

    You might use this property when the destination can read messages faster than it can write messages.

    To control the message flow when using batch processing, set to a number larger than the message count threshold.

    Default is 1000 messages.

    Max Outstanding Request Bytes Maximum number of unprocessed bytes that the destination stores in memory before taking an action to control the flow of messages.

    You might use this property when the destination can read messages faster than it can write messages.

    To control the message flow when using batch processing, set to a number larger than the request bytes threshold.

    Default is 8000 bytes.

    Limit Exceeded Behavior Action to take when either the count or size of unprocessed messages exceeds the specified limit. Select one of the following options:
    • Throw Exception - Triggers pipeline error processing.
    • Block - Stops processing new messages until stored messages have been successfully written.
    • Ignore - Discards new messages until stored messages have been successfully written.
  5. On the Data Format tab, configure the following property:
    Data Format Property Description
    Data Format Format of data to be written. Use one of the following options:
    • Avro
    • Binary
    • Delimited
    • JSON
    • Protobuf
    • SDC Record
    • Text
    • XML
  6. For Avro data, on the Data Format tab, configure the following properties:
    Avro Property Description
    Avro Schema Location Location of the Avro schema definition to use when writing data:
    • In Pipeline Configuration - Use the schema that you provide in the stage configuration.
    • In Record Header - Use the schema in the avroSchema record header attribute. Use only when the avroSchema attribute is defined for all records.
    • Confluent Schema Registry - Retrieve the schema from Confluent Schema Registry.
    Avro Schema Avro schema definition used to write the data.

    You can optionally use the runtime:loadResource function to load a schema definition stored in a runtime resource file.

    Register Schema Registers a new Avro schema with Confluent Schema Registry.
    Schema Registry URLs Confluent Schema Registry URLs used to look up the schema or to register a new schema. To add a URL, click Add and then enter the URL in the following format:
    http://<host name>:<port number>
    Basic Auth User Info User information needed to connect to Confluent Schema Registry when using basic authentication.

    Enter the key and secret from the setting in Schema Registry using the following format:

    Tip: To secure sensitive information such as user names and passwords, you can use runtime resources or credential stores.
    Look Up Schema By Method used to look up the schema in Confluent Schema Registry:
    • Subject - Look up the specified Avro schema subject.
    • Schema ID - Look up the specified Avro schema ID.
    Schema Subject Avro schema subject to look up or to register in Confluent Schema Registry.

    If the specified subject to look up has multiple schema versions, the stage uses the latest schema version for that subject. To use an older version, find the corresponding schema ID, and then set the Look Up Schema By property to Schema ID.

    Schema ID Avro schema ID to look up in Confluent Schema Registry.
    Include Schema Includes the schema in each message.
    Note: Omitting the schema definition can improve performance, but requires the appropriate schema management to avoid losing track of the schema associated with the data.
    Avro Compression Codec The Avro compression type to use.

    When using Avro compression, do not enable other compression available in the destination.

  7. For binary data, on the Data Format tab, configure the following property:
    Binary Property Description
    Binary Field Path Field that contains the binary data.
  8. For delimited data, on the Data Format tab, configure the following properties:
    Delimited Property Description
    Delimiter Format Format for delimited data:
    • Default CSV - File that includes comma-separated values. Ignores empty lines in the file.
    • RFC4180 CSV - Comma-separated file that strictly follows RFC4180 guidelines.
    • MS Excel CSV - Microsoft Excel comma-separated file.
    • MySQL CSV - MySQL comma-separated file.
    • Tab-Separated Values - File that includes tab-separated values.
    • PostgreSQL CSV - PostgreSQL comma-separated file.
    • PostgreSQL Text - PostgreSQL text file.
    • Custom - File that uses user-defined delimiter, escape, and quote characters.
    Header Line Indicates whether to create a header line.
    Delimiter Character Delimiter character for a custom delimiter format. Select one of the available options or use Other to enter a custom character.

    You can enter a Unicode control character using the format \uNNNN, where ​N is a hexadecimal digit from the numbers 0-9 or the letters A-F. For example, enter \u0000 to use the null character as the delimiter or \u2028 to use a line separator as the delimiter.

    Default is the pipe character ( | ).

    Record Separator String Characters to use to separate records. Use any valid Java string literal. For example, when writing to Windows, you might use \r\n to separate records.

    Available when using a custom delimiter format.

    Escape Character Escape character for a custom delimiter format. Select one of the available options or use Other to enter a custom character.

    Default is the backslash character ( \ ).

    Quote Character Quote character for a custom delimiter format. Select one of the available options or use Other to enter a custom character.

    Default is the quotation mark character ( " ).

    Replace New Line Characters Replaces new line characters with the configured string.

    Recommended when writing data as a single line of text.

    New Line Character Replacement String to replace each new line character. For example, enter a space to replace each new line character with a space.

    Leave empty to remove the new line characters.

    Charset Character set to use when writing data.
  9. For JSON data, on the Data Format tab, configure the following properties:
    JSON Property Description
    JSON Content Method to write JSON data:
    • JSON Array of Objects - Each file includes a single array. In the array, each element is a JSON representation of each record.
    • Multiple JSON Objects - Each file includes multiple JSON objects. Each object is a JSON representation of a record.
    Charset Character set to use when writing data.
  10. For protobuf data, on the Data Format tab, configure the following properties:
    Protobuf Property Description
    Protobuf Descriptor File Descriptor file (.desc) to use. The descriptor file must be in the Data Collector resources directory, $SDC_RESOURCES.

    For more information about environment variables, see Data Collector Environment Configuration. For information about generating the descriptor file, see Protobuf Data Format Prerequisites.

    Message Type The fully-qualified name for the message type to use when writing data.

    Use the following format: <package name>.<message type>.

    Use a message type defined in the descriptor file.
    Write Delimiter Writes a delimiter after each message.
  11. For text data, on the Data Format tab, configure the following properties:
    Text Property Description
    Text Field Path Field that contains the text data to be written. All data must be incorporated into the specified field.
    Record Separator Characters to use to separate records. Use any valid Java string literal. For example, when writing to Windows, you might use \r\n to separate records.

    By default, the destination uses \n.

    On Missing Field When a record does not include the text field, determines whether the destination reports the missing field as an error or ignores the missing field.
    Insert Record Separator if No Text When configured to ignore a missing text field, inserts the configured record separator string to create an empty line.

    When not selected, discards records without the text field.

    Charset Character set to use when writing data.
  12. For XML data, on the Data Format tab, configure the following properties:
    XML Property Description
    Pretty Format Adds indentation to make the resulting XML document easier to read. Increases the record size accordingly.
    Validate Schema Validates that the generated XML conforms to the specified schema definition. Records with invalid schemas are handled based on the error handling configured for the destination.
    Important: Regardless of whether you validate the XML schema, the destination requires the record in a specific format. For more information, see Record Structure Requirement.
    XML Schema The XML schema to use to validate records.