Security in Google Cloud Stages
- Google BigQuery stages
- Google Cloud Storage stages
- Google Pub/Sub stages
- Google Cloud default credentials
- Credentials in a file
- Credentials in a stage property
Default Credentials
can configure a Google Cloud stage to use Google Cloud default credentials. When using
Google Cloud default credentials, the pipeline checks for the credentials file defined
environment variable.
Set the environment variable on the Data Collector machine. If you run Data Collector on a virtual machine (VM) in Google Cloud Platform (GCP), use an instance service account with access to Google Secret Manager.
For more information about the default credentials, see Finding credentials automatically in the Google Cloud documentation.
Complete the following steps to define the credentials file in the environment variable:
- Use the Google Cloud Platform Console or the
command-line tool to create a Google service account and have your application use it for API access.For example, to use the command line tool, run the following commands:gcloud iam service-accounts create my-account gcloud iam service-accounts keys create key.json
- Store the generated credentials file in a local directory external to the Data Collector
installation directory.For example, if you installed Data Collector in the following directory:
you might store the credentials file at:/opt/sdc-credentials
- Add the
environment variable to the appropriate file and point it to the credentials file.Modify environment variables using the method required by your installation type.
Set the environment variable as follows:export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/var/lib/sdc-resources/keyfile.json"
- Restart Data Collector to enable the changes.
- On the Credentials tab for the stage, for the Credential Provider property, select Default Credentials Provider.
Credentials in a File
You can configure a Google Cloud stage to use credentials in a Google Cloud service account credentials JSON file.
Complete the following steps to use credentials in a file:
- Generate a service account credentials file in JSON
Use the Google Cloud Platform Console or the
command-line tool to generate and download the credentials file. For more information, see Generating a service account credential in the Google Cloud Platform documentation. - Store the generated credentials file on the Data Collector
As a best practice, store the file in the Data Collector resources directory,
. - On the Credentials tab for the stage, for the Credential Provider property, select Service Account Credentials File. Then, enter the path to the credentials file.
Credentials in a Property
You can configure a Google Cloud stage to use credentials specified in a stage property. When using credentials in stage properties, you provide JSON-formatted credentials from a Google Cloud service account credential file.
You can enter credential details in plain text, but best practice is to secure the credential details using runtime resources or a credential store.
Complete the following steps to use credentials specified in stage properties:
- Generate a service account credentials file in JSON
Use the Google Cloud Platform Console or the
command-line tool to generate and download the credentials file. For more information, see Generating a service account credential in the Google Cloud Platform documentation. - As a best practice, secure the credentials using runtime resources or a credential store.
- On the Credentials tab for the stage, for the Credential Provider property, select Service Account Credentials. Then, enter the JSON-formatted credential details or an expression that calls the credentials from a credential store.