Deprecated Functionality

Deprecated functionality is functionality that is marked for removal in a future release. A stage or feature can be deprecated because it is not commonly used, has been replaced, or connects to a system with an end-of-service date.

The following tables list deprecated features, as well as suggested alternatives:

Deprecated Feature Suggested Alternative
Transformer user interface In a future release, you will use Control Hub 3.x or the StreamSets platform to design and run Transformer pipelines.

You can try it now by signing up for the StreamSets platform.

Deprecated Cluster Suggested Alternative
  • CDH 5.x - 6.x
  • HDP
Cloudera has specified an end-of-life timeline for Cloudera Enterprise and Hortonworks Data Platform products. As a result, Transformer is no longer tested with these versions.

Upgrade to a supported version of CDP Private Cloud Base or Cloudera Data Engineering.

Databricks 5.x - 8.x

Databricks has specified end-of-life and end-of-support dates for many versions. As a result, Transformer is no longer tested with these versions.

Upgrade to a supported version of Databricks.

  • Azure HDInsight 4.0
  • SQL Server 2019 Big Data Clusters
Microsoft has specified an end-of-life date for Azure HDInsight 4.0 and a retirement date for SQL Server Big Data Clusters. As a result, Transformer is no longer tested with these products.