Viewing Published Pipelines and Fragments

You can view the complete configuration details of each published pipeline or pipeline fragment in the pipeline canvas. To view a published pipeline, click the pipeline name in the Pipelines view. To view a published fragment, click the fragment name in the Pipeline Fragments view.

When the pipeline or fragment is in development, the pipeline canvas displays the pipeline or fragment in edit mode. When the pipeline or fragment is published, it displays in read-only mode. You can navigate through the canvas to review pipeline or fragment details.

All properties display in the Configuration tab in the properties panel.

In a pipeline, you can click the Rules tab in the properties panel to view metric, data, and data drift rules configured for the pipeline. You can select any stage in the pipeline and then click the Configuration tab in the properties panel to view the stage properties.

In a fragment, you can view data rules and data drift rules configured in the fragment by selecting the stream where the rule is defined. You can also select any stage in the pipeline and then click the Configuration tab in the properties panel to view the stage properties.