
Available when using an authoring Data Collector version 5.6.0 or later.

To create an Aerospike connection, the Aereospike 6.x stage library, streamsets-datacollector-aerospike-client-lib, must be installed on the selected authoring Data Collector.

For a description of the Aerospike connection properties, see Aerospike Connection Properties.

After you create an Aerospike connection, you can use the connection in the following stage:
Engine Stages
Data Collector 5.6.0 or later
  • Aerospike Client destination

Aerospike Connection Properties

When creating an Aerospike connection, configure the following properties on the Aerospike tab:
Property Description
Nodes Aerospike node to connect to. You can specify multiple nodes. The stage iterates through the nodes until it successfully connects to one, and then discovers all the nodes in the same cluster.
For each node specify the following:
  • Address - IP address or host name of the node.
  • Port - Communication port on the node.
  • Cluster TLS Name - Certificate name for TLS. Enter either the certificate common name or the certificate subject alternative name. Usually, this is the same value configured for tls-name on the Aerospike server. Only required if using TLS.
Use Authentication Authenticates for access to Aerospike server.
Authentication Mode Authentication mode used to gain access to the Aerospike server:
  • External - External authentication using an LDAP server. Requires that the destination be enabled to use TLS.
  • External Insecure - External authentication using an LDAP server, but without using TLS. Use for testing purposes only.
  • Internal - Password-based authentication for internal users defined in the Aerospike server.

Available if Use Authentication is enabled.

User Name of the user registered with the Aerospike database.

Available if Use Authentication is enabled.

Password Password of the specified user.

Available if Use Authentication is enabled.

Use TLS Uses TLS to secure communication with the Aerospike server. Each node in the Aerospike cluster is authenticated using the Aerospike standard authentication mode.

If enabled, you must specify the Cluster TLS Name for each node.

Required when using the external authentication mode.

If the Aerospike certificate is signed by a private CA or not trusted by the default Java truststore, you must create or modify the truststore file and configure Data Collector to use the file. See the Enabling SSL/TLS.