Provisioning Agents and Deployments#

Control Hub allows you to automatically provision Data Collector containers on an orchestration framework, such as Kubernetes.

A Provisioning Agent is a containerized application that runs in a Kubernetes container orchestration framework, and is responsible for communicating with Control Hub to automatically provision Data Collector containers in the Kubernetes cluster where it runs.

A Deployment is a logical grouping of Data Collector containers deployed by a Provisioning Agent to Kubernetes, all of which are identical and highly available. The Provisioning Agent is then responsible for management of these containers.

The SDK allows for interaction with the Provisioning Agents and Deployments in Control Hub, including retrieving, activating and deactivating Provisioning Agents, creating, retrieving, updating, starting and stopping Deployments, and deleting both Provisioning Agents and Deployments.

Retrieving Provisioning Agents#

To retrieve all provisioning agents that belong to your user’s organization, you can reference the streamsets.sdk.ControlHub.provisioning_agents attribute of your streamsets.sdk.ControlHub instance. You can also filter the results on attributes like name, id, and version:

# Get all provisioning agents belonging to current organization

# Get a particular provisioning agent

# Get all provisioning agents of version 3.19.1


# sch.provisioning_agents
[<ProvisioningAgent (id=89A1B2D5-3994-449F-99EB-88CD58958C92, name=minikube-control-agent, type=Kubernetes,

# sch.provisioning_agents.get(id='89A1B2D5-3994-449F-99EB-88CD58958C92')
<ProvisioningAgent (id=89A1B2D5-3994-449F-99EB-88CD58958C92, name=minikube-control-agent, type=Kubernetes,

# sch.provisioning_agents.get_all(version='3.19.1')
[<ProvisioningAgent (id=679e3af0-32a9-4ee8-a217-1884d63accb6, name=rancher-deployment, type=Kubernetes, version=3.19.1)>,
 <ProvisioningAgent (id=BEB517CB-7D0D-4621-B312-37BA52DD5A46, name=sch-agent2, type=Kubernetes, version=3.19.1)>]

Deleting Provisioning Agents#

To delete a provisioning agent, simply retrieve the streamsets.sdk.sch_models.ProvisioningAgent object you wish to delete and pass it to the streamsets.sdk.ControlHub.delete_provisioning_agent() method:

provisioning_agent = sch.provisioning_agents.get(id='89A1B2D5-3994-449F-99EB-88CD58958C92')

Deactivating and Activating Provisioning Agents#

Activation and deactivation of provisioning agents pertain to the authentication tokens used by the provisioning agents for communication with Control Hub. When a provisioning agent is registered with an organization in Control Hub, it will automatically generate an authentication token.

The SDK allows for activation and deactivation of the authentication tokens owned by provisioning agents through the streamsets.sdk.ControlHub.activate_provisioning_agent() and streamsets.sdk.ControlHub.deactivate_provisioning_agent() methods, respectively. Simply retrieve the streamsets.sdk.sch_models.ProvisioningAgent object you want to act on, and pass it to either function:


Creating a new Deployment#

To create a new deployment and add it to Control Hub, use the streamsets.sdk.sch_models.DeploymentBuilder class. Use the streamsets.sdk.ControlHub.get_deployment_builder() method to instantiate the builder object.

The deployment object can then be passed to the streamsets.sdk.ControlHub.add_deployment() method to be published in Control Hub:

deployment_builder = sch.get_deployment_builder()

# Get the provisioning agent to be used to manage this deployment
provisioning_agent = sch.provisioning_agents.get(id='89A1B2D5-3994-449F-99EB-88CD58958C92')

# Build the deployment with a name and description of 'from sdk', and the number of SDC instances set to 2
deployment ='from sdk',
                                      description='from sdk')

# Add the deployment to Control Hub

Because there was no spec provided in the above method, the default deployment spec in Control Hub will be used. Alternatively if you wanted to use a custom YAML spec to build the deployment, you can provide one directly:

deployment_builder = sch.get_deployment_builder()

# Get the provisioning agent to be used to manage this deployment
provisioning_agent = sch.provisioning_agents.get(id='89A1B2D5-3994-449F-99EB-88CD58958C92')

# Open the YAML specification file for reading
with open('deployment_spec.yaml') as f:
    deployment_spec = yaml.load(f)

# Build the deployment with a name of description of 'from sdk with custom spec', the number of SDC instances
# set to 1, and the custom YAML specification included
deployment ='from sdk with custom spec',
                                      description='from sdk with custom spec',

# Add the deployment to Control Hub

Retrieving existing deployments#

Retrieving existing deployments is as simple as checking the streamsets.sdk.ControlHub.deployments attribute for the streamsets.sdk.ControlHub instance you’re interested in:


# Get a particular deployment


# sch.deployments
[<Deployment (id=329f8688-7458-4d4f-851c-fdfe548411b0:admin, name=from sdk, number_of_data_collector_instances=2, status=INACTIVE)>,
 <Deployment (id=ff1be305-7488-43c6-853f-7829f499082e:admin, name=from sdk with custom spec, number_of_data_collector_instances=1,

# sch.deployments.get(id='329f8688-7458-4d4f-851c-fdfe548411b0:admin')
<Deployment (id=329f8688-7458-4d4f-851c-fdfe548411b0:admin, name=from sdk, number_of_data_collector_instances=2, status=INACTIVE)>

You can also look at the deployments a provisioning agent is responsible for by referencing the streamsets.sdk.sch_models.ProvisioningAgent.deployments attribute of a streamsets.sdk.sch_models.ProvisioningAgent instance:



[<Deployment (id=329f8688-7458-4d4f-851c-fdfe548411b0:admin, name=from sdk, number_of_data_collector_instances=2, status=INACTIVE)>,
 <Deployment (id=ff1be305-7488-43c6-853f-7829f499082e:admin, name=from sdk with custom spec, number_of_data_collector_instances=1,

Starting a deployment#

Once a deployment is added to Control Hub, it must be started in order for the Data Collector containers to be spun up by the provisioning agent. To start a deployment, retrieve the streamsets.sdk.sch_models.Deployment object to be started and pass it to the streamsets.sdk.ControlHub.start_deployment() method:

deployment = sch.deployments.get(id='329f8688-7458-4d4f-851c-fdfe548411b0:admin')

Scaling an active deployment#

As with any deployment on a containerization framework, Control Hub allows you to scale deployments up and down to meet the needs of your use case. To scale a deployment, retrieve the streamsets.sdk.sch_models.Deployment object to be modified, and then pass it to the streamsets.sdk.ControlHub.scale_deployment() method along with the number of Data Collector instances to scale the deployment to:

deployment = sch.deployments.get(name='from sdk')
sch.scale_deployment(deployment, num_instances=2)

Stopping a deployment#

Stopping a deployment is identical to starting a deployment. Retrieve the streamsets.sdk.sch_models.Deployment object to be stopped and pass it to the streamsets.sdk.ControlHub.stop_deployment() method. In the example below, we attempt to stop a deployment within a try/catch in case the deployment in question becomes inactive - at which point the streamsets.sdk.ControlHub.acknowledge_deployment_error() method is used to acknowledge the inactive error, and put the deployment into an inactive state (as it would be when successfully stopped):

from streamsets.sdk.exceptions import DeploymentInactiveError
except DeploymentInactiveError:

Updating an existing deployment#

Deployments can also be updated directly via the SDK. Attributes like name, number_of_data_collectors, and even spec can be modified for a given deployment. Simply retrieve the streamsets.sdk.sch_models.Deployment object you’d like to modify, make the desired changes to it, and then pass the modified object to the streamsets.sdk.ControlHub.update_deployment() method:

deployment = sch.deployments.get(name='from sdk') = 'a new deployment name'
sch.deployments.get(name='a new deployment name')


# sch.update_deployment(deployment)
<streamsets.sdk.sch_api.Command object at 0x7f42da3cbb00>

# sch.deployments.get(name='a new deployment name')
<Deployment (id=329f8688-7458-4d4f-851c-fdfe548411b0:admin, name=a new deployment name, number_of_data_collector_instances=2, status=INACTIVE)>

Deleting existing deployments#

The SDK also enables you to delete deployments as required. You can delete a single deployment, or multiple deployments, by using the streamsets.sdk.ControlHub.delete_deployment() method:

# Delete a single deployment
deployment = sch.deployments.get(name='from sdk')

# Delete multiple deployments
deployments = sch.deployments.get_all(number_of_data_collector_instances=1)