StreamSets SDK for Python#

The StreamSets SDK for Python enables users to interact with StreamSets products programmatically, and is compatible with Python versions 3.4-3.9. As an example, with a running instance of StreamSets Data Collector, you can create and import a functional pipeline in less than 10 lines of code:

from streamsets.sdk import DataCollector
server_url = 'http://localhost:18630'
data_collector = DataCollector(server_url)

builder = data_collector.get_pipeline_builder()
dev_data_generator = builder.add_stage('Dev Data Generator')
trash = builder.add_stage('Trash')

dev_data_generator >> trash  # connect the Dev Data Generator origin to the Trash destination.

pipeline ='My first pipeline')

The resulting pipeline can be examined by opening the StreamSets Data Collector user interface and selecting the My first pipeline pipeline:
