
A connection defines the information required to connect to an external system. Rather than providing these details repeatedly in every pipeline that accesses the same system, a connection can be created to store those details centrally and reused across multiple pipelines.

Creating a new connection#

To create a new connection and add it to Control Hub, use the streamsets.sdk.sch_models.ConnectionBuilder class. Use the streamsets.sdk.ControlHub.get_connection_builder() method to instantiate the builder object.

The streamsets.sdk.sch_models.Connection object can then be passed to the streamsets.sdk.ControlHub.add_connection() method to be published in Control Hub:

connection_builder = sch.get_connection_builder()
data_collector = sch.data_collectors.get(url='http://localhost:18630')
connection ='s3 connection dev',
connection.connection_definition.configuration['awsConfig.awsAccessKeyId'] = 123
connection.connection_definition.configuration['awsConfig.awsSecretAccessKey'] = 456

Please refer to the Control Hub documentation for the available connection types and various configurations.

Retrieving connections#

Retrieving connections from Control Hub is a simple task. You can reference streamsets.sdk.ControlHub.connections to retrieve all existing connections. Likewise, you can further filter the available connections on attributes like name, connection_type and id:


# Retrieve all connections with JDBC type


# sch.connections
[<Connection (id='25dc5a92-a01c-4fef-979c-824000053396:admin',
 name='s3 connection dev',

# sch.connections.get_all(connection_type='STREAMSETS_JDBC')
[<Connection (id=6b8d75e2-7595-48ac-a6d2-cade5cafcc42:admin, name=Test, connection_type=STREAMSETS_JDBC)>,
 <Connection (id=3afe2ce6-db7d-4c05-a6b0-1ab2b667ea67:admin, name=test mysql connection, connection_type=STREAMSETS_JDBC)>]

Updating a connection#

To update a connection, first retrieve the streamsets.sdk.sch_models.Connection object you wish to update. You can make modifications to attributes like the name or various connection-specific configurations. Once you’ve made the desired changes, use the streamsets.sdk.ControlHub.update_connection() method to push the updated connection to Control Hub:

connection = sch.connections.get(name='s3 connection dev')
connection.connection_definition.configuration['awsConfig.awsAccessKeyId'] = 234
connection.connection_definition.configuration['awsConfig.awsSecretAccessKey'] = 567 = 's3 connection prod'

Deleting a connection#

To delete a connection, first retrieve the streamsets.sdk.sch_models.Connection object you wish to delete, and then pass it to the streamsets.sdk.ControlHub.delete_connection() method:

connection = sch.connections.get(name='s3 connection prod')

Using a connection inside a pipeline#

After building a connection and adding it to Control Hub, the connection is available for use within a pipeline. To add a connection to a pipeline, the steps are almost identical to building a normal pipeline - retrieve a streamsets.sdk.sch_models.DataCollector instance to use as an Authoring Data Collector (if desired), retrieve the streamsets.sdk.sch_models.Connection instance to add to the pipeline, instantiate a streamsets.sdk.sch_models.PipelineBuilder object to build the pipeline with, add and configure some stages for the pipeline, and then finally add the connection and publish the pipeline:

# Retrieve a Data Collector instance to use as the Authoring Data Collector (optional)
data_collector = sch.data_collectors.get(url='http://localhost:18630')

# Retrieve the connection to be used inside the pipeline
connection = sch.connections.get(name='s3 connection prod')

# Create the pipeline builder instance as you would with any other pipeline
pipeline_builder = sch.get_pipeline_builder(data_collector)

# Add stages to the pipeline, set some attributes in the stages, and then connect the stages together
dev_raw_data_source = pipeline_builder.add_stage('Dev Raw Data Source')
dev_raw_data_source.stop_after_first_batch = True
amazon_s3_destination = pipeline_builder.add_stage('Amazon S3', type='destination')
amazon_s3_destination.set_attributes(bucket='bucket-name', data_format='JSON')
dev_raw_data_source >> amazon_s3_destination

# Set the destination stage (AWS S3 in this example) to use the connection retrieved earlier

# Build and publish the pipeline
pipeline ='Dev to S3')

Verifying a connection#

Once a connection is built and added to Control Hub, it can be further tested for connectivity to verify that it’s successfully connecting. To verify a connection, retrieve the streamsets.sdk.sch_models.Connection instance you want to validate and then use the streamsets.sdk.ControlHub.verify_connection() method to return the results of the verification.

If any issues arise during the connection’s verification, you can introspect on the streamsets.sdk.sch_models.ConnectionVerificationResult.issue_count and streamsets.sdk.sch_models.ConnectionVerificationResult.issue_message to identify the issue:

# Retrieve the connection to be verified
connection = sch.connections.get(name='s3 connection prod')

# Run the verification, and then check the results (successful case)
verification_result = sch.verify_connection(connection)

connection = sch.connections.get(name='s3 connection invalid')

# Run the verification, and then check the results (failure case)
verification_result = sch.verify_connection(connection)


# verification_result
<ConnectionVerificationResult (status=VALID)>

<ConnectionVerificationResult (status=INVALID)>

# verification_result.issue_count

# verification_result.issue_message
'S3_SPOOLDIR_20 - Cannot connect to Amazon S3, reason :
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.'

Get pipelines using a connection#

To retrieve all pipelines using a specific connection, first retrieve the streamsets.sdk.sch_models.Connection object you’d like to check against and then reference the streamsets.sdk.sch_models.Connection.pipeline_commits attribute to determine which pipelines are currently using the connection:

# Get the connection to check the usage of
connection = sch.connections.get(name='s3 connection prod')

# Check the pipeline commits that currently use this connection

# Introspect a little further and identify the pipeline details for the first (and only) pipeline commit above


[<PipelineCommit (commit_id=db1e3b87-1499-44ef-93b8-e4e045318c48:admin, version=1, commit_message=None)>]

# connection.pipeline_commits[0].pipeline
<Pipeline (pipeline_id=5462626e-0243-48dd-8c07-c6787a813e37:admin,
 commit_id=db1e3b87-1499-44ef-93b8-e4e045318c48:admin, name=s3, version=1)>

Retrieving ACL permissions#

Connections can also have ACL permissions set on them to restrict access. To retrieve existing ACL permissions set on a given connection, reference the streamsets.sdk.sch_models.Connection.acl.permissions attribute for the connection object you wish to check:

connection = sch.connections.get(name='s3 connection prod')

# Check which ACL resource is set for this connection
<ACL (resource_id=cadd8eaa-85f4-48d0-a1a0-ff77a63584cc:admin, resource_type=CONNECTION)>

# Check the specific permissions set by this connection's ACL resource


# connection.acl
<ACL (resource_id=cadd8eaa-85f4-48d0-a1a0-ff77a63584cc:admin, resource_type=CONNECTION)>

# connection.acl.permissions
[<Permission (resource_id=cadd8eaa-85f4-48d0-a1a0-ff77a63584cc:admin, subject_type=USER, subject_id=admin@admin)>]

Adding new permissions#

Adding new permissions to a connection via the SDK is similar to permission management in other SDK classes. Retrieve the streamsets.sdk.sch_models.Connection object you wish to modify permissions for, store the current ACL permissions for the connection, generate a new set of permissions using the method, and then add them back to the connection using the streamsets.sdk.sch_models.ACL.add_permission() method:

# Get the connection object to be modified
connection = sch.connections.get(name='s3 connection prod')

# Store the ACL permissions of the connection object
acl = connection.acl

# Generate a new list that stores the specific permissions to be added later
actions = ['READ', 'WRITE']

# Build the new permissions by supplying a subject_id (username), subject_type (user or group) and the
# permissions to be set (the list created above)
permission ='testuser@testorg', subject_type='USER', actions=actions)

# Add the permissions to the ACL object stored for the connection earlier

# Double check that the permissions were correctly added
connection = sch.connections.get(name='s3 connection prod')


<Permission (resource_id=cadd8eaa-85f4-48d0-a1a0-ff77a63584cc:admin, subject_type=USER, subject_id=testuser@testorg)>

Updating existing permissions#

Updating existing permissions for a connection is a similar exercise to creating new permissions - rather than building a brand new permission set, you simply update an existing one in-place. Retrieve the streamsets.sdk.sch_models.Connection object you wish to modify permissions for, retrieve the specific permissions you wish to update, and then modify the permissions as needed:

# Get the connection object to be modified
connection = sch.connections.get(name='s3 connection prod')

# Get the specific permissions to be modified
permission = connection.acl.permissions.get(subject_id='testuser@testorg')

# Create a list of new permissions to be set
updated_actions = ['READ']

# Set the actions of the permission, retrieved earlier, to be the list of new permissions
permission.actions = updated_actions

# Double check that the permissions were correctly updated
connection = sch.connections.get(name='s3 connection prod')



Removing existing permissions#

To remove existing permissions on a connection object, use the streamsets.sdk.sch_models.Connection object’s streamsets.sdk.sch_models.ACL.remove_permission() method:

# Get the connection object to be modified
connection = sch.connections.get(name='s3 connection prod')

# Retrieve the specific permission to be removed
permission = connection.acl.permissions.get(subject_id='testuser@testorg')

# Remove the permission