# Copyright 2019 StreamSets Inc.
"""Models to be used by multiple StreamSets components."""
import inflection
json_to_python_style = lambda x: inflection.underscore(x)
python_to_json_style = lambda x: inflection.camelize(x, uppercase_first_letter=False)
[docs]class Configuration:
"""Abstraction for stage configurations.
This class enables easy access to and modification of data stored as a list of dictionaries. As
an example, SDC's pipeline configuration is stored in the form
.. code-block:: none
[ {
"name" : "executionMode",
"value" : "STANDALONE"
}, {
"name" : "deliveryGuarantee",
"value" : "AT_LEAST_ONCE"
}, ... ]
By implementing simple ``__getitem__`` and ``__setitem__`` methods, this class allows items in
this list to be accessed using
.. code-block:: python
configuration['executionMode'] = 'CLUSTER_BATCH'
Instead of the more verbose
.. code-block:: python
for property in configuration:
if property['name'] == 'executionMode':
property['value'] = 'CLUSTER_BATCH'
configuration (:obj:`str`): List of dictionaries comprising the configuration.
property_key (:obj:`str`, optional): The dictionary entry denoting the property key.
Default: ``name``
property_value (:obj:`str`, optional): The dictionary entry denoting the property value.
Default: ``value``
def __init__(self, configuration=None, property_key='name', property_value='value', **kwargs):
# Handle case of a kwarg called ``configuration`` being passed in.
if isinstance(configuration, str):
kwargs['configuration'] = configuration
configuration = None
if configuration and kwargs:
raise ValueError('Cannot instantiate Configuration with a list-map and kwargs.')
if configuration is not None:
self._data = configuration
elif kwargs:
self._data = [{property_key: key, property_value: value}
for key, value in kwargs.items()]
self.property_key = property_key
self.property_value = property_value
[docs] def items(self):
"""Gets the configuration's items.
A new view of the configuration’s items ((key, value) pairs).
# To keep the behavior in line with a Python dict's, we'll generate one and then use its items method.
configuration_dict = {config_property.get(self.property_key): config_property.get(self.property_value)
for config_property in self._data}
return configuration_dict.items()
def __getitem__(self, key):
for config_property in self._data:
if config_property.get(self.property_key) == key:
return config_property.get(self.property_value)
raise KeyError('Could not find property {} in configuration.'.format(key))
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
for config_property in self._data:
if config_property.get(self.property_key) == key:
config_property[self.property_value] = value
raise AttributeError('Could not find and set property {} in configuration.'.format(key))
def __contains__(self, item):
for config_property in self._data:
if config_property.get(self.property_key) == item:
return True
return False
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None):
"""Return the value of key or, if not in the configuration, the default value."""
return self[key]
except KeyError:
return default
[docs] def update(self, configs):
"""Update instance with a collection of configurations.
configs (:obj:`dict`): Dictionary of configurations to use.
for key, value in configs.items():
self[key] = value
class BaseModel:
"""Base class for StreamSets Accounts models that essentially just wrap a dictionary.
data (:obj:`dict`): The underlying JSON representation of the model.
attributes_to_ignore (:obj:`list`, optional): A list of string attributes to mask from being handled
by this class' __setattr__ method. Default: ``None``.
attributes_to_remap (:obj:`dict`, optional): A dictionary of attributes to remap with the desired attributes
as keys and the corresponding property name in the JSON representation as values. Default: ``None``.
repr_metadata (:obj:`list`, optional): A list of attributes to use in the model's __repr__ string.
Default: ``None``.
def __init__(self, data, attributes_to_ignore=None, attributes_to_remap=None, repr_metadata=None):
# _data_internal is introduced to help inherited classes that need to load _data when _data is accessed
# eg. Pipeline
super().__setattr__('_data_internal', data)
super().__setattr__('_attributes_to_ignore', attributes_to_ignore or [])
super().__setattr__('_attributes_to_remap', attributes_to_remap or {})
super().__setattr__('_repr_metadata', repr_metadata or [])
# By default these properties don't do anything by can be overrided by inherited classes to load something
def _data_internal(self):
return self.__dict__['_data'] if '_data' in self.__dict__ else None
def _data_internal(self, data):
self.__dict__['_data'] = data
def _data(self):
return self._data_internal
def _data(self, data):
self._data_internal = data
def __getattr__(self, name):
name_ = python_to_json_style(name)
if name in self._attributes_to_remap:
remapped_name = self._attributes_to_remap[name]
return self._data_internal[remapped_name]
elif (name_ in self._data_internal and
name not in self._attributes_to_ignore and
name not in self._attributes_to_remap.values()):
return self._data_internal[name_]
raise AttributeError('Could not find attribute {}.'.format(name_))
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
name_ = python_to_json_style(name)
if name in self._attributes_to_remap:
remapped_name = self._attributes_to_remap[name]
self._data_internal[remapped_name] = value
elif (name_ in self._data_internal and
name not in self._attributes_to_ignore and
name not in self._attributes_to_remap.values()):
self._data_internal[name_] = value
super().__setattr__(name, value)
def __dir__(self):
return sorted(list(dir(object))
+ list(self.__dict__.keys())
+ list(json_to_python_style(key)
for key in self._data_internal.keys()
if key not in (list(self._attributes_to_remap.values())
+ self._attributes_to_ignore))
+ list(self._attributes_to_remap.keys()))
def __eq__(self, other):
return self._data_internal == other._data_internal
def __repr__(self):
return '<{} ({})>'.format(self.__class__.__name__,
', '.join('{}={}'.format(key, getattr(self, key)) for key in self._repr_metadata))
class ModelCollection:
"""Base class wrapper with Abstractions.
streamsets_entity: An instance of underlysing StreamSets entity
e.g. :py:class:`streamsets.sdk.next.Next` or :py:class:`streamsets.sdk.accounts.Accounts`.
def __init__(self, streamsets_entity):
self._streamsets_entity = streamsets_entity
self._id_attr = 'id'
def _get_all_results_from_api(self, **kwargs):
"""Used to get multiple (all) results from api.
Optional arguments to be passed to filter the results.
A :obj:`collections.namedtuple`: of
results (:py:class:`streamsets.sdk.utils.SeekableList`): a SeekableList of inherited instances of
:py:class:`streamsets.sdk.models.BaseModel` and
kwargs (:obj:`dict`): a dict of local variables not used in this function.
def __iter__(self):
"""Enables the list enumeration or iteration."""
for item in self._get_all_results_from_api().results:
yield item
def __getitem__(self, i):
"""Enables the user to fetch items by index.
i (:obj:`int`): Index of the item.
An inherited instance of :py:class:`streamsets.sdk.models.BaseModel`.
return self._get_all_results_from_api().results[i]
def __len__(self):
"""Provides length (count) of items.
A :py:obj:`int` object.
return len(self._get_all_results_from_api().results)
def __contains__(self, item_given):
"""Checks if given item is in the list of items by comparing the ids.
A :py:obj:`boolean` object.
return self.contains(**{self._id_attr: getattr(item_given, self._id_attr)})
def get(self, **kwargs):
**kwargs: Optional arguments to be passed to filter the results offline.
An inherited instance of :py:class:`streamsets.sdk.models.BaseModel`.
result, new_kwargs = self._get_all_results_from_api(**kwargs)
return result.get(**new_kwargs)
def get_all(self, **kwargs):
**kwargs: Optional other arguments to be passed to filter the results offline.
A :py:obj:`streamsets.sdk.utils.SeekableList` of inherited instances of
result, new_kwargs = self._get_all_results_from_api(**kwargs)
return result.get_all(**new_kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
return str(self._get_all_results_from_api().results)
def contains(self, **kwargs):
**kwargs: Optional arguments to be passed to filter the results offline.
A :py:obj:`boolean` object.
except ValueError:
return False
return True