SQL Server 2019 JDBC Connection Information

To access SQL Server 2019 Big Data Cluster (BDC), use the following format for the JDBC connection string:
jdbc:sqlserver://<ip>:<port>;databaseName=<database name>
  • ip - IP address of the SQL Server master instance.
  • port - Port number of the SQL Server master instance.
  • database name - Name of the database to use.

Use the SQL Server user name and password with this connection string.

Retrieving SQL Server Master Instance Details

You can retrieve the SQL Server master instance IP address and port number using the command line or using a client application such as Azure Data Studio. For information about using the command line, see the SQL Server 2019 BDC documentation.

In the results of the command line request, the IP address and port number appear as follows:

In Azure Data Studio, the IP address and port number appear as follows: