Development Stages
You can use several development stages to help develop and test pipelines.
Note: Do not use
development stages in production pipelines.
You can use the following stages when developing or testing pipelines:
- Dev Data Generator origin
- Generates records with the specified field names, field types, and field attributes. For the field type, you can select a data type, such as String and Integer, or a type of data, such as address information, phone numbers, and book titles.
- Dev Random Record Source origin
- Generates records with the configured number of Long fields. You can define a delay between batches and a maximum number of records to generate.
- Dev Raw Data Source origin
- Generates records based on user-supplied data. You can enter raw data, select the data format of the data, and then configure any format-related configuration options.
- Dev Snapshot Replaying origin
- Reads records from a downloaded snapshot file. The origin can start reading from the first set of records in the snapshot file. Or, you can configure the origin to start reading from a specific stage in the snapshot file.
- Dev Identity processor
- Passes all records through to the next stage. Use as a placeholder in the pipeline. You can define required fields and preconditions, and configure stage error handling.
- Dev Random Error processor
- Generates error records so you can test pipeline error handling. You can configure the stage to discard records, define required fields and preconditions, and configure stage error handling.
- Dev Record Creator processor
- Generates two records for each record that enters the stage. You can define required fields and preconditions, and configure stage error handling.
- To Event destination
- Generates events for testing event handling functionality. To generate events, select the Produce Events property.