Excel Data Format
You can use file-based origins,
such as Directory and
Google Cloud Storage, to
process Microsoft Excel .xls
or .xlsx
files. When
processing Excel files, an origin creates a record for every row in the file.
You can configure the origin to read from all sheets in a workbook or from particular sheets in a workbook. You can specify whether files include a header row and whether to ignore the header row. You can also configure the origin to skip cells that do not have a corresponding header value. A header row must be the first row of a file. Vertical header columns are not recognized.
Origins cannot process Excel files with large numbers of rows. When an origin cannot process a file in the Excel data format, you can save the file as a CSV file in Excel, and then use the delimited data format to process the file.
For a full list of origins that support this data format, see Origins in the "Data Formats by Stage" appendix.