Creating Subscriptions

Create a subscription to listen for Control Hub events and then complete an action when those events occur.

  1. In the Navigation panel, click Subscriptions.
  2. Click the Add icon: Add icon.
  3. Enter a name and optionally a description.
  4. Under Event, select the event type to subscribe to:
    • Execution Engine Not Responding
    • Data SLA Triggered
    • Job Status Change
    • Max Global Failover Retries Exhausted
    • Report Generated
    • Pipeline Committed
    • Pipeline Status Change
  5. Optionally, define a condition to filter the events to subscribe to.

    To define an advanced expression using the StreamSets expression language, select Use Advanced Editor.

  6. Under Action, select the action type to use:
    • Webhook
    • Email
  7. For a webhook action, configure the following properties:
    Action Property Description
    HTTP Method HTTP request method to use:
    • GET
    • POST
    • DELETE
    • PUT
    URI URI to send the HTTP request to.
    Content Type Optional content type of the payload. Available for PUT, POST, and DELETE methods.

    For example, enter application/json if sending a message in JSON format in the payload.

    If you do not specify a content type, Control Hub uses text/plain as the content type.

    Payload Optional payload to use. Available for PUT, POST, and DELETE methods.

    Use any valid content type.

    You can use parameters in the payload to include information about the triggering event, such as the job name or state. Enclose webhook parameters in double curly brackets as follows: {{JOB_NAME}}. For more information, see Parameters.

    Authentication Type Authentication type to include in the request: None or Basic.

    For Basic authentication, enter a user name and password.

    Timeout Milliseconds to establish a connection to the receiving system.

    Default is 30000 milliseconds.

    Headers Optional HTTP request headers.
  8. For an email action, configure the following properties:
    Action Property Description
    Subject Email subject line.

    You can use parameters in the subject line to include information about the triggering event, such as the job name or state. Enclose parameters in double curly brackets as follows: {{JOB_NAME}}. For more information, see Parameters.

    Recipients The individuals to receive the email. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma. Email aliases are not supported.

    Control Hub does not validate email addresses.

    Body The email message.

    You can use parameters in the email body to include information about the triggering event, such as the job name or state. Enclose webhook parameters in double curly brackets as follows: {{JOB_NAME}}. For more information, see Parameters.

  9. Click Save.