Pipeline Finisher

When the Pipeline Finisher executor receives an event, the executor stops a pipeline and transitions it to a Finished state. This allows the pipeline to complete all expected processing before stopping.

Use the Pipeline Finisher executor as part of an event stream. You can use the Pipeline Finisher executor in any logical way, such as stopping a pipeline upon receiving a no-more-data event from the JDBC Query Consumer origin.

For example, you might use the executor in a pipeline designed to migrate all existing data from Microsoft SQL Server to HDFS. And then use a separate pipeline to process incremental updates. Or, you might use the executor to perform traditional "batch" processing - to process data, then stop when all data is processed rather than waiting indefinitely for more data.

When you configure a Pipeline Finisher executor, you can specify whether the executor should reset the origin after each pipeline run. When needed, you can use a precondition to limit the records that enter the stage to stop the pipeline. You might also configure the pipeline to notify you when the Pipeline Finisher executor stops the pipeline.

Before using the Pipeline Finisher executor, review the recommended implementation information.

For a solution that describes how to use the Pipeline Finisher executor, see Stopping a Pipeline After Processing All Available Data. For more information about dataflow triggers and the event framework, see Dataflow Triggers Overview.

Recommended Implementation

The Pipeline Finisher executor is designed to stop and transition a pipeline to a Finished state after processing available data in the origin system. For example, you might use the executor to stop the pipeline after the JDBC Query Consumer processes all available data specified in the query.

When an origin generates only the no-more-data event, you can simply connect the event output to the Pipeline Finisher executor. When an origin generates multiple event types, you need to ensure that the Pipeline Finisher stops the pipeline only after receiving the no-more-data event.

Here are some ways you can ensure the executor receives only the no-more-data event:
Configure a precondition for the Pipeline Finisher
In the executor, add a precondition to allow only a no-more-data event into the stage to trigger the executor. You can use the following expression:
${record:eventType() == 'no-more-data'}
Tip: Records dropped because of a precondition are handled based on the stage error handling configuration. So to avoid racking up error records, you might also configure the Pipeline Finisher executor to discard error records.
Use this method when pipeline logic allows you to discard other event types generated by the origin.
Add a Stream Selector before the Pipeline Finisher
You can add a Stream Selector between the origin and the executor to route only the no-more-data event to the Pipeline Finisher. Use this option when you want to pass other event types to a different branch for processing.
For example, say you're using JDBC Query Consumer origin, which generates no-more-data, query success, and query failure events. And say you want to store the query success and query failure events. You can use a Stream Selector with the following condition to route the no-more-data event to the Pipeline Finisher:
${record:eventType() == 'no-more-data'}
Then you can connect the default stream - which receives the query success and query failure events - to a destination for storage.

Related Event Generating Stages

Best practice is to use the Pipeline Finisher executor only with origins that generate no-more-data events.

The following origins generate no-more-data events:
  • Amazon S3 origin
  • Azure Blob Storage origin
  • Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 origin
  • Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 (Legacy) origin
  • Directory origin
  • Google Cloud Storage origin
  • Hadoop FS Standalone origin
  • JDBC Multitable Consumer origin
  • JDBC Query Consumer origin
  • MongoDB origin
  • MongoDB Atlas origin
  • Oracle Multitable Consumer origin
  • Salesforce origin
  • Salesforce Bulk API 2.0 origin
  • SAP HANA Query Consumer origin
  • SFTP/FTP/FTPS Client origin
  • SQL Server CDC Client origin
  • SQL Server Change Tracking origin
  • Web Client origin

Origin Reset for Additional Pipeline Runs

When you want a pipeline to process all available data each time that the pipeline runs, configure the Pipeline Finisher executor to reset the origin after it stops a pipeline. When the executor resets the origin, the restart behavior for a pipeline is the same for all origins: the origin processes all available data.

By default, the restart behavior depends on the origin used in the pipeline. When an origin does not save an offset, when you restart the pipeline, the origin processes all available data again. For example, when the JDBC Query Consumer runs in full mode, the origin processes the full query each time you restart the pipeline.

When an origin stores an offset, when you restart the pipeline, the origin begins at the last-saved offset by default. For example, when the JDBC Query Consumer runs in incremental mode, by default, the origin continues where it left off when you restart the pipeline.

When you want the origin to process all available data with each pipeline run, configure the Pipeline Finisher executor to reset the origin. Though this property has no effect on origins that do not save an offset, those origins already process all available data with each pipeline run.

For information about resetting the origin at a pipeline level, see Resetting the Origin.

Notification Options

Data Collector can notify you when the Pipeline Finisher stops a pipeline. You can use either of the following notification methods:
Pipeline state notification
You can configure the pipeline to send an email or webhook when the pipeline transitions to the specified state. Use this option to send a webhook or a simple email notification. You cannot customize the email notification that is sent.
To have the pipeline send notification when the Pipeline Finisher stops a pipeline, set the Notify Upon Pipeline State Changes property to Finished. For more information about pipeline state notifications, see Notifications.
Email executor
You can use an Email executor to send email notification. The Email executor allows you to configure the condition to use to send the email, email recipients, subject, and message. You can also use expressions in any property to include details from the event record in the email. Use this option to send a customized email upon receiving an event.
To send a custom email, route the same event that triggers the Pipeline Finisher to the Email executor. After the Email executor and all other stages in the pipeline complete their tasks, the Pipeline Finisher transitions the pipeline to a Finished state.
For more information about using the Email executor, see Email.

Configuring a Pipeline Finisher Executor

Configure a Pipeline Finisher executor to stop and transition the pipeline to a Finished state when the executor receives an event record.
  1. In the Properties panel, on the General tab, configure the following properties:
    General Property Description
    Name Stage name.
    Description Optional description.
    Stage Library Library version that you want to use.
    Required Fields Fields that must include data for the record to be passed into the stage.
    Tip: You might include fields that the stage uses.

    Records that do not include all required fields are processed based on the error handling configured for the pipeline.

    Preconditions Conditions that must evaluate to TRUE to allow a record to enter the stage for processing. All other records are handled based on the On Record Error property.

    Click Add to create additional preconditions.

    Tip: To allow only the no-more-data event to pass to the executor, use the following condition:
    ${record:eventType() == 'no-more-data'}
    On Record Error Error record handling for the stage:
    • Discard - Discards the record.
    • Send to Error - Sends the record to the pipeline for error handling.
    • Stop Pipeline - Stops the pipeline.
    Tip: When using preconditions to limit the event type that enters the executor, you might set this property to Discard to avoid processing other event types.
  2. On the Finisher tab, optionally configure the following property:
    Finisher Property Description
    Reset Origin Resets the pipeline origin after the Pipeline Finisher executor stops the pipeline.

    Enable this option to process all available data each time the pipeline runs. When disabled, the pipeline restart behavior depends on the origin configuration.