Editing Jobs
You can edit inactive jobs to change the job definition. When job instances are started from a job template, edit the job template to change the job definition. You cannot edit inactive job instances started from a job template.
You can edit inactive jobs to change the job definition. You can edit jobs created from a pipeline or detached job instances created from a job template. You cannot edit attached job instances created from a job template.
Edit inactive jobs or job templates from the JobsJob Instances view. Hover over the inactive job or job template, and click the Edit icon: .
- Description
- Pipeline commit/tagPipeline
version - You can select a different pipeline version to run.
For example, after you start a job, you realize that the developer forgot to enable a metric rule for the pipeline, so you stop the job. You inform your developer, who edits the pipeline rules in the pipeline canvas and republishes the pipeline as another version. You edit the inactive job to select that latest published version of the pipeline, and then start the job again.
Important: If you edit the job so that it contains a new pipeline version with a different origin, you must reset the origin before restarting the job. - Execution Engine Labels - You can assign and remove labels from the job to change the group of execution engines that run the pipeline.
- Job Tags - You can assign and remove tags from the job to identify the job in a different way.
- Statistics Refresh Interval - You can change the milliseconds to wait before Control Hub refreshes the statistics when you monitor the job.
- Enable Time Series Analysis - You can change whether Control Hub stores time series data which you can analyze when you monitor the job.
- Number of Instances - You can change the number of pipeline instances run for Data Collector or Data Collector Edge jobs.
- Pipeline Force Stop Timeout - You can change the number of milliseconds to wait before Control Hub forces remote pipeline instances to stop.
- Runtime Parameters - You can change the values used for the runtime parameters defined in the pipeline.
- Enable or disable failover - You can enable or disable pipeline failover for
jobs. Control Hub manages pipeline failover differently based on the engine type, as described in the following topics: