JDBC Header Attributes

The SQL Server 2019 BDC Multitable Consumer origin generates JDBC record header attributes that provide additional information about each record, such as the original data type of a field or the source tables for the record.

You can use the record:attribute or record:attributeOrDefault functions to access the information in the attributes. For more information about working with record header attributes, see Working with Header Attributes.

JDBC record header attributes include a jdbc prefix to differentiate the JDBC attributes from other record header attributes.

The origin can provide the following JDBC header attributes:
JDBC Header Attribute Description
jdbc.tables Provides a comma-separated list of source tables for the fields in the record.
jdbc.partition Provides the full offset key for the partition that produced the record
jdbc.threadNumber Provides the number of the thread that produced the record.
jdbc.<column name>.jdbcType Provides the numeric value of the original SQL data type for each field in the record. See the Java documentation for a list of the data types that correspond to numeric values.
jdbc.<column name>.precision Provides the original precision for all numeric and decimal fields.
jdbc.<column name>.scale Provides the original scale for all numeric and decimal fields.