JDBC Field Attributes

The SQL Server 2019 BDC Multitable Consumer origin generates field attributes for columns converted to the Decimal or Datetime data types in Data Collector. The attributes provide additional information about each field.

The following data type conversions do not include all information in the corresponding Data Collector type:
  • SQL Server Decimal and Numeric data types are converted to the Data Collector Decimal data type, which does not store scale and precision.
  • SQL Server Datetime, Datetime2, and Smalldatetime data types are converted to the Data Collector Datetime data type, which does not store nanoseconds.
To preserve this information during data type conversion, the origin generates the following field attributes for these Data Collector data types:
Data Collector Data Type Generated Field Attribute Description
Decimal precision Provides the original precision for every decimal or numeric column.
Decimal scale Provides the original scale for every decimal or numeric column.
Datetime nanoSeconds Provides the original nanoseconds for every datetime, datetime2, or smalldatetime column.

You can use the record:fieldAttribute or record:fieldAttributeOrDefault functions to access the information in the attributes. For more information about working with field attributes, see Field Attributes.