Java and Security Configuration

Data Collector includes several advanced properties that you can modify to customize the following areas:
  • Java configuration options
  • Security Manager that restricts the runtime permissions of user libraries

Java Configuration Options

You define Java configuration options used by Data Collector in the deployment.

In Control Hub, edit the deployment. In the Configure Engine section, click Advanced Configuration. Then, click Java Configuration.

When defining Java configuration options, avoid defining duplicate options. If you do define duplicates, the last option passed to the JVM usually takes precedence.

Java Heap Size

Modify the Data Collector Java heap size as necessary, based on the resources available. By default, Data Collector uses 50 percent of the available memory as the Java heap size. In most cases, the default percentage value is sufficient.

The Java heap size determines the heap size allocated to Data Collector and affects the amount of memory Data Collector can use when it runs a pipeline. Running a pipeline can use up to 65% of the allocated heap size. For example, with a heap size of 2048 MB, you can configure a pipeline to use up to 65% - that's 1331 MB of memory.

To modify the Java heap size, first select the JVM memory strategy to use:
  • Percentage - For a tarball installation, allocates a percentage of the available memory on the host machine as the Java heap size. For a Docker image installation, allocates a percentage of the available memory in the Docker container as the Java heap size.
  • Absolute - Allocates an absolute number in megabytes as the Java heap size.

Based on your selection, configure the minimum and maximum Java heap size in percentage or in an absolute value in megabytes. To avoid constant recalculation of the allocated heap size, set both the minimum and maximum properties to the same value.

Data Collector requires a heap size of at least 1024 MB to run. As a result, the engine always uses a minimum of 1024 MB for the heap size, regardless of the configured size.

Note: By default, Java 11 enables the UseCompressedOops option, which allows a maximum of 32 GB of heap size regardless of the configured size. To allocate more than 32 GB, disable the option by adding the following Java option to the Java Options property in the Java configuration properties: -XX:-UseCompressedOops

Remote Debugging

You can enable remote debugging to debug a Data Collector instance running on a remote machine.

Enable remote debugging by modifying the Java Options property in the Java configuration properties. Add the following debugging options to the property, where port_number is an open port number on the remote machine running Data Collector:

-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:server=y,transport=dt_socket,address=<port_number>,suspend=n

For example, to debug Data Collector on a remote machine using port number 2005, define the Java options as follows:

-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:server=y,transport=dt_socket,address=2005,suspend=n

Garbage Collector

You can define the Java garbage collector that Data Collector uses. The default garbage collector depends on the Java version installed on the Data Collector machine:
  • Java 11 or later - Default is the G1 garbage collector.

Define the garbage collector by modifying the Java Options property in the Java configuration properties. If you define another garbage collector, test and evaluate Data Collector performance before making the same change in a production environment. Garbage collector performance depends on each particular use case.

Java Version

When you create or edit most deployment types, you can define the Java version that Control Hub bundles into the Docker image or sets up on the provisioned instances. You cannot define the Java version while a deployment is active.

In most cases, you can use the default Java version. Some stage libraries and use cases require specific Java versions, as described in Java Versions and Available Features.

To define the Java version, select a version from the Java Version property.
Note: You cannot define a Java version for a self-managed deployment using an engine tarball file. You are responsible for installing the appropriate Java version as a prerequisite before you run the installation script command that installs and launches the engine tarball.

For more information about defining the Java version to deploy along with the engine, see the Control Hub documentation.