Upgrade an Installation from the Tarball

Users with an enterprise account can upgrade to a full, common, or core tarball installation. Other users can upgrade to the common tarball installation and install additional stage libraries as needed.

When you upgrade a tarball installation, you configure the new version to use a new configuration directory outside of the base Data Collector runtime directory. You then configure the new version to use the same data, log, and resource directories as the previous version. As a result, the new version has access to the files created in the previous version.
Note: If you installed additional drivers or developed custom stages, verify that those libraries are stored in a local directory external to the Data Collector runtime directory before you upgrade. That way, Data Collector can still use the libraries after the upgrade.

To upgrade a full, common, or core installation from the tarball, perform the following steps:

Step 1. Shut Down the Previous Version

Step 2. Back Up the Previous Version

Step 3. Install the New Version

Step 4. Update Environment Variables

Step 5. Update the Configuration Files

Step 6. Install Additional Libraries for the Core Installation

Step 7. Start the New Version of Data Collector

Step 1. Shut Down the Previous Version

Stop all running pipelines and then shut down the previous version of Data Collector.

  1. From the Control Hub Jobs page, filter the jobs by engine and by engine label. Select all active jobs in the list and then click the Stop Jobs icon.
  2. Use the command line to shut down Data Collector. Use the required command for your operating system.

    For CentOS 6, Oracle Linux 6, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, or Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, use: service sdc stop

    For CentOS 7, Oracle Linux 7, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, or Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, use: systemctl stop sdc

Step 2. Back Up the Previous Version

Before you install the new version, create a backup of the files in the previous version by copying and renaming the configuration, data, and resource directories. That way, you can continue to run the previous version if needed.

Copy and rename the following directories:
  • SDC_CONF - The Data Collector configuration directory.
  • SDC_DATA - The Data Collector directory for pipeline state and configuration information.
If used, copy and rename the following directories as well:
  • SDC_EXTERNAL_RESOURCES - The Data Collector directory for external resources.
  • SDC_RESOURCES - The Data Collector directory for runtime resource files.
  • STREAMSETS_LIBRARIES_EXTRA_DIR - The Data Collector directory for external libraries.

  • USER_LIBRARIES_DIR - The Data Collector directory for custom stages.

For example, if you are upgrading version, copy the Data Collector configuration directory and rename it as follows: /etc/sdc3000.
Important: These directories should be outside of the $SDC_DIST runtime directory.

For more information about these directories, see Data Collector Directories.

Step 3. Install the New Version

The instructions that you use to install the new version depend on whether you start Data Collector manually or as a service and on your operating system.

Users with an enterprise account can upgrade to a full, common, or core tarball installation. Other users can upgrade to the common tarball installation and install additional stage libraries as needed.

Installing from the Tarball (Manual Start)

Install the new version of the tarball.

  1. Download the tarball from one of the following locations:
  2. Extract the tarball to a different directory than the previous version.
  3. Use the following command to set the $SDC_DIST environment variable to the location where you extracted the tarball:
    export SDC_DIST=<extraction directory>
    For example:
    export SDC_DIST=/sdc/streamsets-datacollector-6.0.0

Installing from the Tarball for Systems Using SysV (Service Start)

Operating systems that use the SysV init system include CentOS 6, Oracle Linux 6, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, or Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.

Install the new version of the tarball. Installing the full Data Collector as a service requires root privileges.

  1. Download the tarball from one of the following locations:
  2. Extract the tarball to a different directory than the previous version.
  3. Create a backup of the /etc/init.d/sdc file that was used in the previous version.
  4. Use the following commands from the directory where you extracted the tarball to copy the initd/_sdcinitd_prototype file to the /etc/init.d directory and then change ownership of the file to sdc:
    cp initd/_sdcinitd_prototype  /etc/init.d/sdc
    chown sdc:sdc /etc/init.d/sdc
  5. Edit the /etc/init.d/sdc file and set the $SDC_DIST and $SDC_HOME environment variables to the location where you extracted the tarball.
  6. Use the following command to make the sdc file executable:
    chmod 755 /etc/init.d/sdc

Installing from the Tarball for Systems Using Systemd (Service Start)

Operating systems that use the systemd init system include CentOS 7, Oracle Linux 7, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, or Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

Install the new version of the tarball. Installing the full Data Collector as a service requires root privileges.

  1. Download the tarball from one of the following locations:
  2. Extract the tarball to a different directory than the previous version.
  3. Use the following command from the directory where you extracted the tarball to copy systemd/sdc.service to the /etc/systemd/system directory:
    cp systemd/sdc.service /etc/systemd/system/sdc.service
  4. Optionally, override the /etc/systemd/system/sdc.service file to modify the environment variables that define the directories and the system user and group.

    For example, if you modified the default system user and group used by the previous version of Data Collector, configure the new version to use the same system user and group.

    Override the default values in the sdc.service file using the same procedure that you use to override unit configuration files on a systemd init system. For an example, see "Example 2. Overriding vendor settings" in this systemd.unit manpage.

  5. Use the following command from the directory where you extracted the tarball to copy systemd/sdc.socket to the /etc/systemd/system directory:
    cp systemd/sdc.socket /etc/systemd/system/sdc.socket
  6. Edit the /etc/systemd/system/sdc.socket file to modify the Data Collector port number to match the previous version. The port must match the one defined in sdc.properties. Default is 18630.
  7. Use the following command to reload the systemd manager configuration:
    systemctl daemon-reload

Step 4. Update Environment Variables

Update the Data Collector environment variables so that the new version of Data Collector uses a new configuration directory but the same working data, log, and resource directories as the previous version.

For example, your previous Data Collector version used the directory /var/lib/sdc to store the data files for pipeline configuration and run details. When you upgrade, you configure the new version of Data Collector to use the same working directory /var/lib/sdc for the data files. As a result, the new version has access to the pipelines created in the previous version.

Update the environment variables in the required file based on your installation type. For more information about the required file to edit, see Modifying Environment Variables.

  1. Update the directory environment variables to use the following values:
    Environment Variable Value
    SDC_CONF New location outside of the base Data Collector runtime directory and unique from the previous renamed directory. For example, if you renamed the previous configuration directory to /etc/sdc3000, use the value /etc/sdc.
    SDC_DATA Same directory that the previous version used.
    SDC_LOG Same directory that the previous version used.
    SDC_RESOURCES Same directory that the previous version used.
  2. If you use any of the following environment variables, add them to the required file, and set them to the same directory used in the previous version:
  3. Manually update the required file with any other customized environment variable values that you defined in the previous version.
  4. Use the following command to create the Data Collector configuration directory at /etc/sdc:
    mkdir /etc/sdc
  5. Use the following command from the directory where you extracted the tarball to copy all files from etc into the Data Collector configuration directory that you just created:
    cp -R etc/* /etc/sdc
  6. To run Data Collector as a service, change the owner of the /etc/sdc directory and all files in the directory to the system user and group that starts Data Collector.
    By default, Data Collector uses a system user and group named sdc.
  7. Use the following command to set owner only permission on the form-realm.properties file in the /etc/sdc directory:
    chmod go-rwx /etc/sdc/form-realm.properties

Step 5. Update the Configuration Files

A new Data Collector version can include new properties and configuration files required for Data Collector to start or function properly. In the previous step, you updated the environment configuration file so that the new version of Data Collector uses the new configuration files stored in the $SDC_CONF directory. In this step, you’ll compare the previous and new versions of the configuration files, and update the new files as needed with the same customized property values.

For example when upgrading from version, you'd compare the files in your back up directory, /etc/sdc3000, with the files in the /etc/sdc directory. Then update the new files in the /etc/sdc directory with any customizations made in the previous files in the /etc/sdc3000 directory.

  1. Compare the previous and new versions of the sdc.properties file, and update the new file as needed with the same customized property values.
  2. If you registered the previous Data Collector to work with StreamSets Control Hub, complete the following steps to update the configuration files used by Control Hub:
    1. Compare the previous and new version of the dpm.properties file, and update the new file as needed with the same customized property values.
    2. Replace the new version of the application-token.txt file with the previous version of the file.
      The previous version of the file includes the authentication token that this Data Collector instance requires to issue authenticated requests to Control Hub. As a result, you'll need Data Collector to use the previous version of the file.
  3. Compare the previous and new versions of the remaining files, and update the new files as needed with the same customized property values:
    • The appropriate realm.properties file, based on the authentication type that you use.
    • credential stores properties file
    • email-password.txt
    • keystore files
    • LDAP files
    • Log4j2 properties file
      Important: Data Collector versions 5.x and later use the Apache Log4j 2.17.2 library. Earlier versions use the Log4j 1.x library which is now end-of-life. If you customized the sdc-log4j.properties file in a previous version, you must update the new sdc-log4j2.properties file with the same customized property values using the Log4j 2.x syntax. For more information, see Upgrade Impact.
    • security policy file
    • Vault properties file

      As of version, most of the Vault configuration properties have been moved to the new credential stores properties file. The properties use the same name, with an added "credentialStore.vault.config" prefix. If you are upgrading from a version earlier than, copy any values that you customized in the previous Vault properties file into the same property names in the credential stores properties file.

Step 6. Install Additional Libraries for the Core Installation

If you upgraded a common or core installation of Data Collector, install the individual stage libraries that the upgraded pipelines require.

Step 7. Start the New Version of Data Collector

Start the new version of Data Collector.

To start Data Collector manually
Use the following command from the $SDC_DIST directory to run Data Collector as the system user account logged into the command prompt:
bin/streamsets dc
Or, use the following command to run Data Collector in the background:
nohup bin/streamsets dc &
Use the following command to run Data Collector as another system user account:
sudo -u <user> bin/streamsets dc
To start Data Collector as a service
Use the required command for your operating system:
  • For CentOS 6, Oracle Linux 6, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, or Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, use:
    service sdc start
  • For CentOS 7, Oracle Linux 7, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, or Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, use:
    systemctl start sdc