Pass Records after Retry or Timeout Failures

You can configure the HTTP Client processor to pass input records downstream when you configure per-status actions or timeout options.

For example, you might configure the processor to pass a record downstream after all timeout retries fail. Or, you might configure a per-status action to pass a record downstream after all retries fail after receiving a 503 Service Unavailable code.

The processor can pass input records downstream in the following cases:
  • When you configure the Action for Status property or the Action for Timeout property to one of the retry options.

    When you enable the Pass Records property, the processor passes the input record downstream after it reaches the configured maximum number of retries.

  • When you configure the Action for Status property or the Action for Timeout property to Generate Errors.

    When you enable the Pass Records property, the processor generates a stage error instead of an error record, and passes the input record downstream.