Encrypt and Decrypt Fields

Supported pipeline types:
  • Data Collector

The Encrypt and Decrypt Fields processor encrypts or decrypts field values.

You can use the processor to encrypt one or more fields in a record. You can also use the processor to decrypt one or more fields that were encrypted by another Encrypt and Decrypt Fields processor. You cannot use the processor to perform encryption and decryption at the same time. Use an additional processor when you want to perform both tasks.

The Encrypt and Decrypt Fields processor uses the Amazon AWS Encryption SDK to encrypt and decrypt fields. When encrypting fields, the processor encrypts the data key and any additional encryption details, and stores the encrypted details along with the encrypted data. When decrypting fields, the processor extracts the encrypted data key and additional details, decrypts the key, and then uses it to decrypt the data.

You can use Amazon AWS Key Management Service (KMS) as a key provider for the processor, or you can supply the data key in the processor configuration properties. When using Amazon AWS KMS, you specify the KMS Key Amazon Resource Name (ARN). You can use an instance profile or AWS access key pairs to connect to Amazon AWS. When using a user-supplied key, you specify a Base64 encoded key and can optionally configure a key ID.

For both key provider types, you specify the cipher suite and frame size to use. When encrypting data, you can optionally define an encryption context and configure data key caching.

Note: When decrypting fields that were encrypted by an Encrypt and Decrypt Fields processor, you need to use the same key provider, cipher suite, and any additional details, such as encryption contexts, that were used by the processor that encrypted the data.

For information about the structure of AWS-encrypted data, see the AWS Encryption SDK documentation.