Data Collector Data Types
Within a pipeline,
Data Collector
uses the following data types, converting data as necessary when reading from or writing
to external systems:
Data Type | Description |
BOOLEAN | True or False. Corresponds to the Boolean Java data type. |
BYTE | 8-bit signed whole number. Ranges from -128 to 127. Corresponds to the Byte Java data type. |
BYTE_ARRAY | Array of byte values. Corresponds to the Byte[] Java data type. |
CHAR | Stores a single Unicode character. Corresponds to the Char Java data type. |
DATE | Time object that includes the day, month, and four-digit year. Does not include time zone. |
DATETIME | Time object that includes the day, month, four-digit year, hours, minutes, and seconds. Precise to the millisecond. Does not include time zone. |
DECIMAL | Arbitrary-precision signed decimal numbers. Corresponds to the BigDecimal Java class. |
DOUBLE | 64-bit double-precision IEEE 754 floating point. Corresponds to the Double Java data type. |
FILE_REF | Internal type for whole file format. |
FLOAT | 32-bit single-precision IEEE 754 floating point. Corresponds to the Float Java data type. |
INTEGER | 32-bit signed whole number. Corresponds to the Int Java data type. |
LIST | Nested type. Contains an enumerated list of values. Values can be any type, and each value in a list can be a different type. |
LIST_MAP | Nested type. Contains a list of key-value pairs kept in a specific order. Keys are always strings. Values can be any type, and each value can be a different type. |
LONG | 64-bit signed whole number. Ranges from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. Corresponds to the Long Java data type. |
MAP | Nested type. Contains a list of key-value pairs. Keys are always strings. Values can be any type, and each value can be a different type. |
SHORT | 16-bit signed whole number. Ranges from -32,768 to 32767. Corresponds to the Short Java data type. |
STRING | Text. Corresponds to the String Java class. |
TIME | Time object that includes the hours, minutes, and seconds. Precise to the millisecond. Does not include the time zone. |
ZONED_DATETIME | Time object that includes day, month, four-digit year, hours, minutes, seconds, and time zone. Precise to the nanosecond. Corresponds to the ZonedDateTime Java class. |