Data Collector Data Types

Within a pipeline, Data Collector uses the following data types, converting data as necessary when reading from or writing to external systems:
Data Type Description
BOOLEAN True or False. Corresponds to the Boolean Java data type.
BYTE 8-bit signed whole number. Ranges from -128 to 127. Corresponds to the Byte Java data type.
BYTE_ARRAY Array of byte values. Corresponds to the Byte[] Java data type.
CHAR Stores a single Unicode character. Corresponds to the Char Java data type.
DATE Time object that includes the day, month, and four-digit year. Does not include time zone.
DATETIME Time object that includes the day, month, four-digit year, hours, minutes, and seconds. Precise to the millisecond. Does not include time zone.
DECIMAL Arbitrary-precision signed decimal numbers. Corresponds to the BigDecimal Java class.
DOUBLE 64-bit double-precision IEEE 754 floating point. Corresponds to the Double Java data type.
FILE_REF Internal type for whole file format.
FLOAT 32-bit single-precision IEEE 754 floating point. Corresponds to the Float Java data type.
INTEGER 32-bit signed whole number. Corresponds to the Int Java data type.
LIST Nested type. Contains an enumerated list of values. Values can be any type, and each value in a list can be a different type.
LIST_MAP Nested type. Contains a list of key-value pairs kept in a specific order. Keys are always strings. Values can be any type, and each value can be a different type.
LONG 64-bit signed whole number. Ranges from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. Corresponds to the Long Java data type.
MAP Nested type. Contains a list of key-value pairs. Keys are always strings. Values can be any type, and each value can be a different type.
SHORT 16-bit signed whole number. Ranges from -32,768 to 32767. Corresponds to the Short Java data type.
STRING Text. Corresponds to the String Java class.
TIME Time object that includes the hours, minutes, and seconds. Precise to the millisecond. Does not include the time zone.
ZONED_DATETIME Time object that includes day, month, four-digit year, hours, minutes, seconds, and time zone. Precise to the nanosecond. Corresponds to the ZonedDateTime Java class.