Authentication in Salesforce Stages

You can configure Salesforce stages and connections to connect to Salesforce using the following authentication methods:
Basic Authentication
You can specify a user name and password to use for basic authentication with Salesforce.

When enabled in Salesforce, you can also use mutual authentication to connect.

Connected App with OAuth
You can configure a Salesforce stage or connection to connect to Salesforce using OAuth 2.0. The stage or connection then uses an OAuth-enabled Salesforce connected app and the Salesforce implementation of JWT Bearer Flow to enable machine-to-machine OAuth.
To use this authentication method, you must complete several prerequisite tasksprerequisite tasks. Then in the stage or connection, you specify a user name, consumer key, and private key.
Note: Using the Connected App with OAuth is supported in Data Collector 3.22.0 or later.

When enabled in Salesforce, you can also use mutual authentication to connect.