CRUD Operation Header Attribute

When the Salesforce origin subscribes to notifications and reads changed data from a PushTopic, the origin includes the CRUD operation type for a record in the sdc.operation.type header attribute.

If you use a CRUD-enabled destination in the pipeline such as JDBC Producer or Elasticsearch, the destination can use the operation type when writing to destination systems. When necessary, you can use an Expression Evaluator or scripting processors to manipulate the value in the sdc.operation.type header attribute. For an overview of Data Collector changed data processing and a list of CRUD-enabled destinations, see Processing Changed Data.

The Salesforce origin uses the following values in the sdc.operation.type record header attribute to represent the operation type:
  • 1 for INSERT
  • 2 for DELETE
  • 3 for UPDATE
  • 5 for unsupported operations
  • 6 for UNDELETED
Tip: Records that are undeleted contain only the record ID. If you need the record data, you can use the Salesforce Lookup to retrieve it.