Read Order

The Directory origin reads files in ascending order based on the timestamp or file name:

Last Modified Timestamp
The Directory origin can read files in ascending order based on the timestamp associated with the file. The origin checks both the last-modified timestamp and the changed timestamp, then uses the highest - the more recent - of the two when ordering files for processing.
When the origin reads from a secondary location - not the directory where the files are created and written - the last-modified timestamp should reflect when the file was moved to the directory to be processed. When files are copied to the secondary location, the changed timestamp should reflect when the file was copied to the directory to be processed.
Tip: Avoid moving files using commands that preserve the existing timestamp, such as cp -p. Preserving the existing timestamp can be problematic in some cases, such as moving files across time zones.
When ordering based on timestamp, any files with the same timestamp are read in lexicographically ascending order based on the file names.
For example, when reading files with the log*.json file name pattern, the origin reads the following files in the following order:
File Name Last Modified Changed Timestamp
log-1.json APR 24 2016 14:03:35 APR 24 2016 14:03:35
log-903.json APR 24 2016 14:05:03 APR 24 2016 14:05:03
log-0054.json APR 24 2016 14:00:03 APR 24 2016 14:40:44
log-2.json APR 24 2016 14:45:11 APR 24 2016 14:45:11
log-3.json APR 24 2016 14:45:11 APR 24 2016 14:45:11
Notice, log-0054.json is processed after log-903.json because its changed timestamp is later than both the last-modified and changed timestamp of log-903.json. The log-2.json and log-3.json files have identical timestamps, and so are processed in lexicographically ascending order based on their file names.
Lexicographically Ascending File Names
The Directory origin can read files in lexicographically ascending order based on file names. Note that lexicographically ascending order reads the numbers 1 through 11 as follows:
1, 10, 11, 2, 3, 4... 9
For example, when reading files with the web*.log file name pattern, Directory reads the following files in the following order:
To read these files in logical and lexicographically ascending order, you might add leading zeros to the file naming convention as follows: