Install Data Collector on Amazon Web Services
You can install the full Data Collector on Amazon Web Services (AWS).
- In the AWS Marketplace, search for StreamSets Data Collector.
- Subscribe to the StreamSets Data Collector offer, accept the terms and conditions, and then click Continue to Configuration.
- Select the appropriate AWS fulfillment options, and then click Continue to Launch.
To launch Data Collector from the AWS marketplace website, choose Launch from
Website and then complete the following steps:
To launch Data Collector from the AWS EC2 console, choose Launch through EC2
and then complete the following steps:
When launching the instance, note the instance ID on the Launch
Status page.
The password to Data Collector matches the instance ID.
AWS might require a few minutes to launch an instance.
To access Data Collector, enter the following URL in the address bar of your browser:
http://<Public DNS of EC2 instance>:18630
For example if your DNS is
, enter:
To log in, enter admin as the user name and the EC2
instance ID as the password.
For information on administering Data Collector, such as viewing logs and restarting Data Collector, see Administration.