Base64 Functions

Use Base64 functions to encode or decode data using Base64.

You can replace any argument with a literal or an expression that evaluates to the argument. String literals must be enclosed in single or double quotation marks.

Not valid in Data Collector Edge pipelines. Do not use Base64 functions in Data Collector Edge pipelines.

The expression language provides the following Base64 functions:

Returns a decoded byte array from a Base64 encoded string.
Return type: Byte Array.
Uses the following argument:
  • string - The Base64 encoded string to decode.
For example, ${base64:decodeBytes(record:value("/ID"))} decodes the Base64 encoded string in the ID field as a byte array value.
base64:decodeString(<string>, <charset>)
Returns a decoded string from a Base64 encoded string using the specified character set.
Return type: String.
Uses the following arguments:
  • string - The Base64 encoded string to decode.
  • charset - The character set to use to decode the data.
For example, ${base64:decodeString(record:value("/ID"), "UTF-8")} decodes the Base64 encoded string in the ID field using the UTF-8 character set as a string value.
base64:encodeBytes(<byte array>, <urlSafe: true | false>)
Returns a Base64 encoded string value of the specified byte array.
Return type: String.
Uses the following arguments:
  • byte array - The byte array to encode using Base64.
  • urlSafe - When set to true, encodes the data so that it can be safely sent in a URL.
For example, ${base64:encodeBytes(record:value("/ID"), true)} uses Base64 to encode the byte array in the ID field such that the encoded data is URL safe.
base64:encodeString(<string>, <urlSafe: true | false>, <charset>)

Returns a Base64 encoded string value of the specified string.

Return type: String.
Uses the following arguments:
  • string - The string to encode using Base64.
  • urlSafe - When set to true, encodes the data so that it can be safely sent in a URL.
  • charset - The character set to use to encode the data.
For example, ${base64:encodeString(record:value("/ID"), false, "UTF-8")} uses Base64 to encode the string in the ID field using the UTF-8 character set such that the encoded data is not URL safe.