Prepare the Azure Storage Staging Area

Before configuring the destination, prepare a staging area in Azure Blob Storage or Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2. The destination stages CSV files in the staging area before loading them to Azure Synapse.

  1. If necessary, create an Azure storage account in Azure Blob Storage or Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2.

    For information about creating an account, see the Azure documentation.

  2. If necessary, create a container to act as the staging area for the destination.

    Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 refers to storage as either a file system or container.

    For information about creating storage, see the Azure documentation.

  3. If you plan to use Azure Active Directory with Service Principal authentication to connect to the staging area, complete the following steps. If you plan to use Storage Account Key authentication to connect to the staging area, you can skip these steps:
    1. If necessary, create a new Azure Active Directory application for Data Collector.

      If the storage account already has an existing Azure Active Directory application, you can use the existing application for Data Collector.

      For information about creating a new application, see the Azure documentation.

    2. Grant the application the Storage Blob Data Contributor or Storage Blob Data Owner role.

      For information about configuring access control, see the Azure documentation.