Using XML Elements with Namespaces

When you use an XML element as a delimiter, Data Collector uses that exact element name that you specify to generate records.

If you include a namespace prefix in the XML element, you must also define the namespace in the stage. Then, Data Collector can process the specified XML element with the prefix.

For example, you use the a:msg element as the delimiter element and define the Company A namespace in the stage. Then, Data Collector processes only the a:msg element in the Company A namespace. It generates one record for the following document, ignoring data in the c:msg element:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<a:msg xmlns:a="">
		<time>8/12/2016 6:01:00</time>
		<request>GET /index.html 200</request>
	<c:msg xmlns:c="">
		<item>Magic wand</item>
	<c:msg xmlns:c="">
		<time>8/12/2016 6:03:43</time>
		<request>GET /images/sponsored.gif 304</request>

In the stage, you define the Namespace property using the prefix "a" and the namespace URI:

The following image shows a Directory origin configured to process this data: