Pipeline Status

When you view the list of jobs in the JobsJob Instances view, you can view the status of remote pipeline instances run from active jobs. Inactive jobs do not display a pipeline status.

The JobsJob Instances view displays a pipeline status when all remote pipeline instances run from the active job have the same status. When remote pipeline instances run from the active job have different statuses, the JobsJob Instances view displays an asterisk (*) for the pipeline status. To view the pipeline statuses, you must log into the UI for each Data Collector or Transformer running the pipeline instances.

The pipeline status is color-coded, providing an easy visual indicator of when that status was last reported by the execution engine running the pipeline. Each pipeline status can display in the following colors:
Pipeline Status Color Description
Green A green pipeline status indicates that the execution engine sent the pipeline status to Control Hub less than 2 minutes ago.
Red A red pipeline status indicates that the execution engine sent the pipeline status to Control Hub over 2 minutes ago. In this case, the status may no longer be accurate.

For example, a green RUNNING status indicates that the pipeline is running and that Data Collector updated Control Hub with that status within the last 2 minutes. A red RUNNING status indicates that Data Collector last reported the pipeline as running, but Data Collector has not updated the pipeline status for over 2 minutes. As a result, the pipeline status might have changed in that time.

The following pipeline statuses often display in the JobsJob Instances view:

  • EDITED - The pipeline has been created or modified, and has not run since the last modification.
  • FINISHED - The pipeline has completed all expected processing and has stopped running.
  • RUN_ERROR - The pipeline encountered an error while running and stopped.
  • RUNNING - The pipeline is running.
  • STOPPED - The pipeline was manually stopped.
  • START_ERROR - The pipeline encountered an error while starting and failed to start.
  • STOP_ERROR - The pipeline encountered an error while stopping.

The following pipeline statuses are transient and rarely display in the JobsJob Instances view:

  • CONNECT_ERROR - When running a cluster-mode pipeline, Data Collector cannot connect to the underlying cluster manager, such as Mesos or YARN.When running a cluster pipeline, the execution engine cannot connect to the underlying cluster manager, such as Hadoop YARN or Amazon EMR.
  • CONNECTING - The pipeline is preparing to restart after a Data Collectoran execution engine restart.
  • DISCONNECTED - The pipeline is disconnected from external systems, typically because Data Collectorthe execution engine is restarting or shutting down.
  • FINISHING - The pipeline is in the process of finishing all expected processing.
  • RETRY - The pipeline is trying to run after encountering an error while running. This occurs only when the pipeline is configured for a retry upon error.
  • RUNNING_ERROR - The pipeline encounters errors while running.
  • STARTING - The pipeline is initializing, but hasn't started yet.
  • STARTING_ERROR - The pipeline encounters errors while starting.
  • STOPPING - The pipeline is in the process of stopping after a manual request to stop.
  • STOPPING_ERROR - The pipeline encounters errors while stopping.