Using a Publicly Accessible URL

If you register a Data Collector that is installed on a cloud computing platform such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), configure the Data Collector to use a publicly accessible URL.

When you register a Data Collector with Control Hub, the Data Collector sends its URL to Control Hub in the format http://<hostname>:<http.port>, where <hostname> is the value defined in the http.bindHost property in the Data Collector configuration file, $SDC_CONF/ If the host name is not defined in http.bindHost, Data Collector runs the following command to determine the host name: hostname -f

For most cloud computing platforms, the hostname -f command returns the private IP address of the machine on the cloud platform. Control Hub includes the private IP address in the Data Collector URL displayed in Control Hub. However, when you click the Data Collector URL, you cannot access the Data Collector because you must use a public IP address to access a cloud machine.

To access a Data Collector installed on a cloud computing platform from Control Hub, uncomment the sdc.base.http.url property in the Data Collector configuration file, $SDC_CONF/, and then configure it to use the publicly accessible URL to that Data Collector.

After modifying the configuration file, restart Data Collector for the changes to take effect.