Setting Up an External Directory

By default, Data Collector expects external libraries to be installed to the $SDC_EXTERNAL_RESOURCES/streamsets-libs-extras directory.

For a tarball or Cloudera Manager installation, you can use the default directory as you get started with Data Collector. However, you should configure Data Collector to use an external directory to enable use of the libraries after Data Collector upgrades.

For an RPM installation, you must configure Data Collector to use an external directory before you can install external libraries from Package Manager or from the stage properties panel.

Use the required procedure for your installation type.

Setting Up for Tarball and RPM

Before you install external libraries for a tarball or RPM installation, set up an external directory to store the libraries.

  1. Create a local directory external to the Data Collector installation directory.
    For example, if you installed Data Collector in the following directory:
    you might create the external directory at:
  2. Grant the user who starts Data Collector ownership on the external directory.
    For example, if you use the default system user and group named sdc to run Data Collector as a service, use the following command to change the owner of the external directory and all files in the directory to sdc:sdc:
    chown -R sdc:sdc /opt/sdc-extras
  3. Add the STREAMSETS_LIBRARIES_EXTRA_DIR environment variable to the appropriate file and point it to the external directory.

    Modify environment variables using the method required by your installation type.

    Set the environment variable as follows:

    export STREAMSETS_LIBRARIES_EXTRA_DIR="<external directory>"

    For example:

    export STREAMSETS_LIBRARIES_EXTRA_DIR="/opt/sdc-extras/"
  4. When using the Java Security Manager, which is enabled by default, update the Data Collector security policy to include the external directory as follows:
    1. In the Data Collector configuration directory, open the security policy file, $SDC_CONF/sdc-security.policy.
    2. Add the following lines to the file:
      // user-defined external directory
      grant codebase "file://<external directory>-" {
      For example:
      // user-defined external directory
      grant codebase "file:///opt/sdc-extras/-" {
  5. Restart Data Collector.

Setting Up for Cloudera Manager

Before you install external libraries for a Cloudera Manager installation, set up an external directory to store the libraries.

  1. In Cloudera Manager, select the StreamSets service and then click Configuration.
  2. On the Configuration page, in the Data Collector Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for field, add the STREAMSETS_LIBRARIES_EXTRA_DIR environment variable and point it to the external directory, as follows:
    export STREAMSETS_LIBRARIES_EXTRA_DIR="<external directory>"

    For example:

    export STREAMSETS_LIBRARIES_EXTRA_DIR="/opt/sdc-extras/"
    By default, the path is /var/lib/sdc.
  3. Create the /opt/sdc-extras/ directory on every node that runs Data Collector.
  4. Grant the user who starts Data Collector ownership on the external directory added to every node.
    For example, if you use the default system user and group named sdc to run Data Collector as a service, use the following command to change the owner of the external directory and all files in the directory to sdc:sdc:
    chown -R sdc:sdc /opt/sdc-extras
  5. When using the Java Security Manager, which is enabled by default, update the Data Collector Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for sdc-security.policy property to include the external directory as follows:
    // user-defined external directory
    grant codebase "file://<external directory>-" {
    For example:
    // user-defined external directory
    grant codebase "file:///opt/sdc-extras/-" {
  6. Restart Data Collector.