Java Versions and Available Features

The Java version installed on the Data Collector machine determines the Data Collector features that you can use.

All supported Java versions provide almost all Data Collector features. However due to third-party requirements, some features require a particular Java version. For example, HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric 7.0.x requires Java JDK 11 or higher, so you must use Java 11 or 17 to work with MapR stages that connect to HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric 7.0.x.

The following table describes the features available with different Java versions:
Java Version Available Features
Java 8 (Oracle Java 8 and Open JDK 8) Provides access to all Data Collector features except for the following:
  • Stages in the MapR 7.0.x stage library
  • HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric 7.0.x cluster pipelines
  • Jira stages
  • Web Client stages
Java 11 (Oracle Java 11 and Open JDK 11) Provides access to all Data Collector features except for the following:
  • Stages in CDH and CDP stage libraries
  • Stages in HDP stage libraries
  • Stages in MapR stage libraries earlier than 7.0.x
  • Jira stages
  • Web Client stages

Java 17 (Oracle Java 17 and Open JDK 17)

Provides access to all Data Collector features except for the following:
  • Stages in CDH and CDP stage libraries
  • Stages in HDP stage libraries
  • Stages in MapR stage libraries earlier than 7.0.x