Installing from the Tarball for Systems Using SysV Init

Users with an enterprise account can install the Data Collector tarball and start it as a service for supported operating systems that use the SysV init system. Supported operating systems include CentOS 6, Oracle Linux 6, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, or Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.

For tarball installation instructions for operating systems that use the systemd init system, see Installing from the Tarball for Systems Using Systemd Init.

This procedure walks through setting the default directories and the default system user and group used to start Data Collector as a service. Before you install, you can alternatively use the $SDC_DIST/libexec/ file to modify the environment variables that define directories and the system user and group.
Note: Do not use NFS or NAS to store Data Collector files.

Installing the full Data Collector as a service requires root privileges.

  1. Download the Data Collector full tarball from the Support portal.
  2. Use the following command to extract the tarball to the desired location, typically /opt/local/:
    tar xf streamsets-datacollector-all-<version>.tgz -C <extraction directory>
    For example, to extract version 6.1.0, use the following command:
    tar xf streamsets-datacollector-all-6.1.0.tgz -C /opt/local
  3. Create a system user and group named sdc.
    The sdc user and group are used to start Data Collector as a service.
  4. Use the following command from the directory where you extracted the tarball to copy initd/_sdcinitd_prototype to the /etc/init.d directory:
    cp initd/_sdcinitd_prototype  /etc/init.d/sdc
  5. Use the following command to change ownership of the file to sdc:
    chown sdc:sdc /etc/init.d/sdc
  6. Edit the /etc/init.d/sdc file and set the SDC_DIST and SDC_HOME environment variables to the location where you extracted the tarball.
  7. Use the following command to make the sdc file executable:
    chmod 755 /etc/init.d/sdc
  8. Use the following command to create the Data Collector configuration directory at /etc/sdc:
    mkdir /etc/sdc
  9. Use the following command from the directory where you extracted the tarball to copy all files from etc into the Data Collector configuration directory that you just created:
    cp -R etc/* /etc/sdc
  10. Use the following command to change the owner of the /etc/sdc directory and all files in the directory to sdc:sdc:
    chown -R sdc:sdc /etc/sdc
  11. Use the following command to set owner only permission on the file in the /etc/sdc directory:
    chmod go-rwx /etc/sdc/
  12. Use the following commands to create the Data Collector log directory at /var/log/sdc and change the owner to sdc:sdc:
    mkdir /var/log/sdc
    chown sdc:sdc /var/log/sdc
  13. Use the following commands to create the Data Collector data directory at /var/lib/sdc and change the owner to sdc:sdc:
    mkdir /var/lib/sdc
    chown sdc:sdc /var/lib/sdc
  14. Use the following commands to create the Data Collector resources directory at /var/lib/sdc-resources and change the owner to sdc:sdc:
    mkdir /var/lib/sdc-resources
    chown sdc:sdc /var/lib/sdc-resources
  15. Use the following command to start Data Collector as a service:
    service sdc start  
  16. To add the Data Collector service to the system startup, use the required command for your operating system.
    • For CentOS, use the following command:
      chkconfig --add sdc
    • For Ubuntu, use the following command:
      update-rc.d sdc defaults 97 03