Use the following commands to install additional stage
libraries for a core RPM installation:
- To install one or more stage libraries:
- Use the following command to install the stage libraries downloaded to the
current directory:
yum localinstall <libraryID>-<version>-1.noarch.rpm <libraryID>-<version>-1.noarch.rpm ...
- Use the full name of the library package that you want to install, separating
them with commas. Do not include spaces in the command.
- For example, to install the Amazon S3 origin and destination, as well as the
Kudu destination for Data Collector version 6.1.0, use the following command:
yum localinstall streamsets-datacollector-aws-lib-6.1.0-1.noarch.rpm streamsets-datacollector-apache-kudu_1_0-lib-6.1.0-1.noarch.rpm
- To list the stage libraries installed on the current Data Collector:
- Use the following
yum list installed | grep streamsets
- To uninstall libraries when necessary:
- Use the following
yum remove <libraryID> <libraryID> ...
- Use the full name of the libraries that you want to uninstall, separating them
with commas. Do not include spaces in the command.
- For example, to uninstall the Amazon S3 origin and destination, use the
yum remove streamsets-datacollector-aws-lib