Installing for RPM

Use the following commands to install additional stage libraries for a core RPM installation:

To install one or more stage libraries:
Use the following command to install the stage libraries downloaded to the current directory:
yum localinstall <libraryID>-<version>-1.noarch.rpm <libraryID>-<version>-1.noarch.rpm ...
Use the full name of the library package that you want to install, separating them with commas. Do not include spaces in the command.
For example, to install the Amazon S3 origin and destination, as well as the Kudu destination for Data Collector version 5.11.0, use the following command:
yum localinstall streamsets-datacollector-aws-lib-5.11.0-1.noarch.rpm streamsets-datacollector-apache-kudu_1_0-lib-5.11.0-1.noarch.rpm 
To list the stage libraries installed on the current Data Collector:
Use the following command:
yum list installed | grep streamsets
To uninstall libraries when necessary:
Use the following command:
yum remove <libraryID> <libraryID> ...
Use the full name of the libraries that you want to uninstall, separating them with commas. Do not include spaces in the command.
For example, to uninstall the Amazon S3 origin and destination, use the following command:
yum remove streamsets-datacollector-aws-lib